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Infravision Allows this race to see in the dark. Extremely good to have, especially for newbies. |
See Invisible Allows this race to see invisible things. There are some monsters in the game that are inivisible. This also allows you to see invisible players. |
See Magic Allows this race to see glows on magical items. Read my EQ for Newbies guide to learn about glows. |
Must Stay Female This race looses half their stats when not female. The easiest way to change genders is to ask a cleric to cast the 'sex change' spell on you. |
Must Stay Good Aligned This race looses half their stats when not good aligned. Kill lots of evil monsters to become good again. |
Must Stay Evil Aligned This race looses half their stats when not evil aligned. Kill lots of good monsters to become evil again. |
Weaker in the Dark This race looses half their stats when in the dark. Make sure you have the 'light' spell always cast, or wear lots of EQ with +light. |
Allergic to Sunlight This race will take damage when under sunlight. Make sure you have the 'darkness' spell always cast, wear lots of EQ with +darkness, or buy a scare fig hat (A Battered Straw Hat) to block the sun. |
Weaker in Sunlight This race looses half their stats when under sunlight. See 'Allergic to Sunlight' for tips on avoiding the sun. |
Allergic to Darkness This race will take damage when in dark rooms. See 'Allergic to Darkness' for tips on avoiding the dark. |
Thick Skin This race gains a 10% bonus to their physical resistance. Nice to have for fighter guilds. |
Good Natural Weapons This race has a natural bonus to their weapon class. Nice to have for fighter guilds. |
Regens Faster in Water This race will get ticks faster when in a room with water. Other than outworld rooms with water, the druid spell 'cloudburst' will create water in a room. |
Allergic to Water This race is will take damage when in rooms with water in them. Stay away from water; make sure your area macros don't run over water. |
Can Eat Corpses This race can eat the corpses of slain monsters. You can eat corpses to get rid of them and you don't have to buy bread. |
Can't Eat Normal Food This race cannot eat normal food items. Mind Flayers must drain sps from a player to become satiated. Vampires must 'bite <target>' to eat (causes some small damage). Devils may only eat corpses. |
2h in 1h This race wields two-handed weapons in one hand. They may NOT wield one-handed weapons at all. Most useful for fighter guilds. You can enlarge 1h weapons (with a wand or abjurer spell) into 2h weapons. Enlarged weapons game some WC. |
No 2h at all This race may not wield a two-handed weapon at all. You can reduce 2h weapons into 1h with a wand or the abjurer spell 'reduce weapon'. Reduced weapons lose some of their WC. |
Ambidexterous This race is naturally ambidexterous; it receives no penalty to left-hand hits. Good for guilds that use two weapons. VERY useful for Hurlers. You don't need to train the 'leftwield' skill if you have this ability. |
Escape Death This race has a chance to escape death. When you die with this ability, you have a small chance (10%?) of instantly coming back to life with full hit points. |
Sensitive to Their Surroundings This race automatically can use the 'clairvoyance' skill. This skill shows you information about the room you're in (NPCS and their shape, no kill/skill/spell/etc, water, outdoors, etc). |
Can Fly Above Water This race can fly above water to avoid drowning. You can fly across the ocean to other continents without drowning. |
Resists Cursing This race has a natural resistance to the 'curse' spell. Curse turns you into a frog and greatly reduces your carrying capacity. It also changes your short description to "<name> the frog". |
Waterbreathing This race can breath underwater. Not super useful, but it allows you do dive underwater without drowning. Basically a permanent 'waterbreathing' spell. |