Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator


Zombie Info
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 Minotaurs are either cursed Humans or the offspring of Minotaurs and Humans.
 They usually dwell in underground labyrinths, for they are not confused in
 these places, which gives them an advantage over their prey.  Minotaurs are
 huge, well over 7 feet tall, and quite broad and muscular.  They have the
 head of a bull but the body of a Human male.  Their fur is brown to black
 while their body coloring varies as would a normal Human's.  The curse which
 creates Minotaurs is unknown, but sages suspect it involves "crimes against
 the natural order."  Minotaurs are always male, they may breed with Human
 females but their children will always be Minotaurs.  It is also said that
 the first Minotaur was originally a great and ill-tempered Human fighter; he
 wanted to be as strong as a bull and his wish was granted in the most
 hideous manner possible.

Strength: good                     Dexterity: above average
Intelligence: low                  Wisdom: average
Constitution: good                 Size: somewhat large
They are inferior to humans, and therefore earn more experience.
They are somewhat slow in mastering arcane powers.
They can see in the dark.
They are sensitive to their surroundings.
They have good natural weapons.
They can eat corpses.
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com