Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator


Zombie Info
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 Drow, also known as Dark Elves, are a mysterious and magical race.
 Created by their spider queen Lloth, they are part of the natural evil in
 the world.  Drows resemble Elves, but are of a much darker skin tone -
 almost a dark shade of violet; they are said to be Elves warped by Lloth's
 wicked magic.  Unlike Elves, they are usually not found in the outdoors; a
 Drow is at home underground.  Many fear, and hate, Drows.  Those of
 inheritantly evil nature generally exhibit a fearful respect for Drows.

Strength: average                  Dexterity: very good
Intelligence: good                 Wisdom: average
Constitution: average              Size: somewhat small
They are superior to humans, and therefore earn less experience.
They may master even the most difficult of arcane powers.
They master arcane powers easily.
They may learn to perform the most complicated of skills.
They can see in the dark.
They are sensitive to their surroundings.
They are weaker in lit outdoor locations.
They are weaker if they become good.
They are allergic to sunlight.
They are naturally ambidexterous.
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com