Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator


Zombie Info
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 Of all the creatures of the Underdark, the illithid, or Mind flayer, is both
 the most evil and most inhuman.  It is also the most feared, for its powers
 are formidable and it feeds on the brain on any human, demihuman, or
 humanoid creature it encounters.  Using sheer mental power, they are able to
 enslave or destroy its foes.  Mind flayers stand about 6 feet tall, with
 hideous mauve skin that glistens with slime.  The head resembles an octopus,
 with white pupiless eyes and four tentacles protruding from where a mouth
 should be.  The creature has three fingers and a thumb on each hand; is
 fingers have a reddish cast, the the rest of the had is mauve.  Mind flayers
 can communicate with all creatures via telepathy; they have no spoken
 language, though they have been known to accompany their thoughts with faint
 hissing and and the eager lashing of their tentacles.  Mind flayers dress in
 flowing robes, adorned with symbols of death and despair.

Strength: poor                     Dexterity: average
Intelligence: excellent            Wisdom: excellent
Constitution: poor                 Size: medium
They are superior to humans, and therefore earn less experience.
They regenerate mana very quickly.
They may master even the most difficult of arcane powers.
They master arcane powers easily.
They are somewhat slow learners of skills.
They can see in the dark.
They are sensitive to their surroundings.
They can not eat normal food.
They are weaker if they become good.
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com