Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



| The Newly Organized Collective of the  |
|      Practicers Of Free Enterprise.    |
|  1) Guild payment.                     |
|   2) should you ever leave us.         |
|  3) What we have to offer you.         |
|  4) Development plans of the future.   |
|  5) About joining.                     |
|                                        |

read 1
 -The head master of the Free Enterprise Collective.
The times are tough, and there is little hope of them getting a lot better
for us anytime too soon. So we've been forced to issue a guild membership
tax. This gives us the funding we use to upkeep and to further improve our
society. The payment we require is quite modest and we do not aim to get
rich by leeching what is rightfully yours. What we ask is a sum of money
that depends on your worth, but it is in no scennario over the mere sum of
1,5 million gold coins.  Should you agree to join our society, you will
be taxed this varying sum monthly. Eventhough there is the option of paying
several months at once. The payments will be handled by the Guildmaster,
who you can pay directly with the syntax: pay tax for (1-3) month(s).  
We can offer you plenty for this small donation, and hope you join us!

read 2
 -The head master of the Free Enterprise Collective.
There have been some inquiries about this matter so we decided to issue  
The rules followed in our society more clearly with this leaflet.        
If you are to ever leave our society, you should understand that we have 
placed a good amount of trust and hope upon you when we let you enter our
halls. Therefore, we'd like to formally ask for a small tribute before   
you choose to leave our guild by reincarnation or removal.
This tax has been set to be 5 million gold pieces, and it is to be paid
Before departure.

You have to 'resign the enterprise' here with me to get all our
common errands settled. Before you resign, you may not leave. Resigning
is taxless and once resigned, if you ever want to join us again we will
treat you as a new inquirer.

Also, all who reincarnate out from the guild, even the ones who plan on
returning immeaditely are considered traitors unless proved otherwise.
Once you reincarnate even if just to return here, you MUST come to the
recuitment center and convince the recuiting officer that you are back
and not traitorous by 'inform officer about returning'.

read 3
 -The head master of the Free Enterprise Collective.
Nice to notice that you are taking intrest in our little society!        
We are a constantly growing enterprise that supplies many different      
possibilities for people who like to work for results and get results   
for their work. We include four different training areas that are all    
open to you once you become a member. Different shops and a fully        
operative banking system. A lot of more will come as the time passes.    

read 4
 -The head master of the Free Enterprise Collective.
This information has been classified and will be brought available for
certain members after a period of time.

read 5
 -The recuiting officer of the Free Enterprise Collective.
So, you have taken a peek at our guild and got intrested? Great!       
Now, lets look at the joining procedure.                               
Firstly, you MUST understand that once you join you are subject to TAX 
that _will_ be collected from you. Regardless of how you might feel of 
it. Should you not pay your membership tax or the 'trust-worthy tax'   
that is paid before leaving the society, you shall be punished.        
Now, since we've cleared that subject, lets get to the good parts.     
We offer you a lot of different services, all most useful for a person 
of our profession. The tax of being a member isn't very high either and
the smaller your experience of the realm is, the less we tax you.      
We aren't filthy thieves afterall but a free enterprise.               
Should you decide to join our enterprise,                              
just type 'join the enterprise' at this present location.              
Our guildmaster is a formal man, used to certain ways of behavior, and 
that is why we ask that you use the following ways to communicate with 
him more easily.                                                       

NOTE: if you join our Collective you do so with your own judgement.    
       certain restrictions and policies apply to the members of this   
       Collective and they are not to be negotiated later on.           
Syntax: 'pay tax for (1-3) month(s)' - this is how you valide your access.
Syntax: 'pay for leaving' - use this to pay 'the trust-worthy tax' if you
         have plans of leaving our society.                              
Syntax: 'say time left' - use this to check how soon your payment is due.
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com