Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



[Guild Info | Level Info]


         Thieves and other self-seeking scum plague all civilized
communities. The principal attributes are dexterity and strength.
Thieves are, by definition, outside the law. The law does not punish
their crimes, but there are no legal sanctions against those who
justly punish thieves for their crimes, either. They are liars,
shapeshifters, murderers, innocent victims, ill-mannered,
ravenous gluttons, drunkards and selfish in every way.
NOTE: There are as many dangers as there are possibilities in being a
thief. If you choose to join you do it with your own responsibility.
hps sps str dex con int wis cha hpr spr resists
Assassins (8)32863220001172acid 2asph 2fire 2pois
Herbalists (5)915383080382mag 2pois
Master_thieves (7)241042540001431phys 1acid 1asph 1cold 1fire
Muggers (7)322141730001415phys
Thief Help Filesthi_collective - The Newly Organized Collective of the Practicers Of Free Enterprise.
Thief Skill/Spell Tables
| Skill:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| purse evaluation                       |10|  0|100|  480|   0|
| consider                               |17|  0|100|  120|   0|
| appraise                               |22|  0|100|  100|   0|
| thieves kiss poison                    |23|  0|100|  240|   0|
| tinning                                |25|  0|100|  100|   0|
| sleight                                |30|  0| 70| 2160|   1|
| thrust                                 |30|  0|100|  840|   0|
| weapon skill 1h dagger                 |30|  0| 90|  360|   0|
| weapon skill 2h dagger                 |30|  0| 90|  360|   0|
| backstab                               |33|  0|100| 1800|   1|
| hand of evil poison                    |33|  0|100|  720|   0|
| peer                                   |34|  0|100|  13k|   8|
| attack                                 |35|100| 90|12.0M|8000|
| disarm traps                           |36|  0| 50|  13k|   9|
| glance                                 |36|  0| 90|  720|   0|
| possessions                            |36|  0| 45|  840|   0|
| dodge                                  |37| 75| 85|12.0M|8000|
| grapple                                |37|  0| 70| 9120|   6|
| pick pockets                           |40|  0| 80| 5880|   3|
| sneak                                  |40|  0| 50|  18k|  12|
| doublehit                              |41|100| 80|12.0M|8000|
| hiding                                 |41|  0| 35| 2400|   1|
| pick locks                             |41|  0| 50| 3720|   2|
| find traps                             |42|  0| 80|  360|   0|
| steal                                  |42|  0| 45|  95k|  63|
| tracking                               |42| 40| 80| 1.5M|1046|
| zapping                                |42|  0| 70|  100|   0|
| suicide                                |43|  0| 25|  360|   0|
| stun                                   |44|100| 30|12.0M|8000|
| triple backstab                        |44|  0| 40| 5400|   3|
| double backstab                        |45|  0| 70| 3600|   2|
| double thrust                          |45|  0| 70| 1200|   0|
| find herbs                             |45|  0| 40|  18k|  12|
| herb mixing                            |45|  0| 30| 9120|   6|
| leadership                             |45|100| 65|12.0M|8000|
| triple thrust                          |45|  0| 40| 1560|   1|
| tumbling                               |45|  0| 35|  39k|  26|
| weapon skill 1h ancient                |45|  0| 75|  360|   0|
| weapon skill 2h ancient                |45|  0| 75|  360|   0|
| Total:  39  |

| Spell:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| floating letters                       | 5|  0| 30|  100|   0|
| darkness                               |15|  0| 25|  200|   0|
| poison                                 |34|  0| 25| 4000|   2|
| heavy weight                           |36|  0| 25| 4000|   2|
| water walking                          |37|  0| 25|  200|   0|
| infravision                            |38|  0| 25| 1200|   0|
| black orb                              |40|  0| 15|  400|   0|
| cause disease                          |42|  0| 25|  10k|   6|
| clairvoyance                           |42|  0| 25|  100|   0|
| hole                                   |43|  0| 10| 1200|   0|
| relocate                               |43|  0| 10| 1400|   0|
| shield of protection                   |44|  0| 20| 1600|   1|
| teleport with error                    |44|  0| 15|  800|   0|
| identify                               |45|  0| 20| 1200|   0|
| invisibility                           |45|  0| 20|  400|   0|
| Total:  15  |
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com