Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



-Library of Tir-na-N'og-

Listing: /open/hair/help/
antivenin                 astronomy                 bloodletting
breath_of_life            cauldrons                 chill_weapon
cloudburst                commune_with_nature       composting
conjunctions              control_temperature       degrade_venom
dragon_sight              electrical_field          elemental_lores
elementals                elixirs                   entangle
eyes_of_the_tiger         faerie_fire               finger_of_death
fire_seeds                fist_of_ra                flame_blade
gaia's_vengeance          hallucinatory_forest      healing_draught
heat_weapon               holy_days                 holy_ground
kiss_of_helios            leadership                life_beyond_death
lion's_heart              locate_animals            moonbeam
mud_time                  natural_order             nature's_portal
neptune's_blessing        new_rank_system           northwind
pass_plant                plant_door                provision
pyrotechnics              rock_to_mud               salves
sirocco                   skyfire                   soothing_heat
stellar_shadows           sticks_to_snakes          stoneskin
summon_insects            summon_mule               summon_storm
summon_swarm              sunray                    talismans
taxidermy                 thunderclap               wall_of_fire
wall_of_thorns            wand_staff                wisdom_of_ptah

>>> Antivenin <<<
Similar in most respects to the remove poison spell, Antivenin
differs in two major ways:

1. Antivenin can fail to remove the poison.

2. IF it fails, Antivenin will reduce the poison's potence by
half, just like a slow poison spell would.
>>> Astronomy <<<
This skill allows a Druid to PREDICT future Conjunctions.  Every 5%
in the skill allows the Druid to predict 30 seconds into the future.
>>> Bloodletting <<<
This skill is used to gather blood for use in making elixirs and salves.
It can be used on a number of targets, with different effects:

1. You can use it on yourself.  It reduces you to 1hp and puts a number
   of blood points in your CAULDRON equal to the hp you lost.

2. You can use it on other players.  They have the OPTION of donating
   blood.  They do NOT have to donate blood.  They lose 50% of their
   current hit points, to a maximum of 500 hp.  Your CAULDRON receives
   blood points equal to the hp the player loses.

3. You can use it on monster corpses.  It will destroy the corpse and
   your CAULDRON will receive blood points equal to the dead monster's

NOTE - you MUST have a CAULDRON (created with the conjure cauldron spell)
to use this skill.
>>> Breath_of_life <<<
Breath of Life has the added benefit of working MUCH better on an Air
Elemental than most healing spells.
>>> Cauldrons <<<
Cauldrons are large iron pots (sort of like you always see witches stiring
up their brews in).  Druids use them to store blood (see bloodletting) for
use in making elixirs and salves.

1. Cauldrons store a maximum (give or take) of 6000 blood points.

2. You CAN have more than one cauldron (though only the 'top' cauldron
   in the room is checked).

3. If you logout and back in, you must type 'claim' to reset your

4. Cauldrons can only be picked up by the Druid that created it.

5. Conjunction points produce a bonus when blood is added the to
   cauldron.  This is expressed as a percentage.
>>> Chill_weapon <<<
This spell is cast on weapons.  It can ONLY be cast on weapons that
do physical, fire or cold damage.

1. If cast on a 'physical' weapon, it causes that weapon to do a
   substantial amount of 'cold' damage.  This not only makes the
   weapon deadlier, but causes the wielder to tire more slowly.

2. If cast on a 'cold' weapon, it causes that weapon to do even
   MORE cold damage.

3. If cast on a 'fire' weapon, it causes that weapon to do LESS
   fire damage.  In some cases, if the spell is powerful and the
   weapon does only a little fire damage, it might even cause the
   weapon to do a little cold damage.
>>> Cloudburst <<<
This spell causes it to rain in a room.  This has the following

1. The room is now a 'water' room for as long as the spell lasts.

2. Water affiliated races heal faster in the rain.

3. Races alergic to water take damage in the rain.

4. Anyone with Neptune's Blessing cast upon them heals faster in the rain.

5. This spell instantly dispells Sirocco.

6. This spell is instantly dispelled BY Sirocco.

7. This spell WILL upset Fire and Earth Elementals.  Neptune's Blessing
   WILL protect the elementals from this effect.

8. This spell will heal Water Elementals.

9. This spell INCREASES the damage done by spells like
   skyfire, summon storm and electrical field.
>>> Commune_with_nature <<<
This spell tells you a LOT about your surroundings:

1. the short description of all living things in the room you are in and
   all the rooms ADJACENT to the room you are in.

2. the scan data (good condition, slightly hurt, moderately hurt, etc.)
   of all living creatures in the rooms ADJACENT to the room you are in.

3. the short description of all the rooms ADJACENT to the room you are in.

4. The properties of the room you are in and all the rooms ADJACENT to the
   room you are in. Can spells be cast, can skills be used, is there water,
   is it a no teleport or no kill room, etc.
>>> Composting <<<
Composting converts corpses into steaming piles of compost.  Not only
does this remove the corpse, but allows the user to recover hit points
and spell points due to the skill's relaxing nature.

NOTE: Affects ALL corpses in the room at once.
>>> Conjunctions <<<
A brief help on the conjunction points system

The conjunction points system is linked to the planet lore druids have.
A skilled druid can take advantage of planet conjunction to obtain greater
effects in his magic. Each time a druid casts a spell, he can manage to
get points from the planets that are in conjunction at the moment he casts
his spell. The amount of points obtained depend directly on the planets
in conjunction. The list is the following :
Sun     1pt
Mercury 2pts
Venus   3pts
Mars    4pts
Jupiter 5pts
Saturn  6pts
Uranus  7pts
Neptune 8pts
Pluto   9pts

The furthest planets give more points cause they are in conjunction
less frequently. Basically each planet comes in conjunction for 30 seconds
and then is gone for a lapse of time depending on its location
Sun             comes back after 30 seconds
Mercury         comes back after 60 seconds
Venus           comes back after 120 seconds (2 minutes)
Mars            comes back after 180 seconds (3 minutes)
Jupiter         comes back after 300 seconds (5 minutes)
Saturn          comes back after 360 seconds (6 minutes)
Uranus          comes back after 480 seconds (8 minutes)
Neptune         comes back after 840 seconds (14 minutes)
Pluto           comes back after 2160 seconds (36 minutes)

So for each planet in conjunction at the moment you cast, the related
lore skill is checked. If it succeeds, you get the amount of conjunction
points for that planet. The points obtained influence the spell you cast
(more damage or duration, or other effects) and the total is added
to your total conjunction points (the torc stuff). Note that the total
points you have won't affect your spell.

NOTE - This help composed by Sigwald.
>>> Control_temperature <<<
This spell adds fire AND cold resistance in the area of effect.

1. This spell affects EVERYTHING in a room (players, monsters, and
   even objects).  EVERYTHING in the room becomes more resistant to
   fire and cold damage.
2. This resistance is in addition to any natural resistances and that
   provided by equipment, lesser/greater invulnerability spells,
   resistance salves, Armour of God and Protection from Good.
>>> Degrade_venom <<<
Reduces the strength of poison much like slow poison.  A good
conjunction can substantially improve this spells effectiveness.
>>> Dragon_sight <<<
Dragon Sight provides the ability to see in the dark, to see magic
and to see invisible objects.  It lasts approximately a half hour
at base and longer with Conjunctions/Seniority.
>>> Electrical_field <<<
The electrical field fills a room and periodically damages EVERYONE
inside the room (electric damage).  This spell does more damage if
there is water in the room, and even more if it is raining (cloudburst).
>>> Elemental_lores <<<
There are four Elemental Lore skills: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Their primary use is when summoning Elementals.  You can summon a
Lesser Elemental so long as you have ANY skill in that Elemental Lore.
It requires 50% skill to summon a Greater Elemental.

NOTE: Elemental Lores also provide bonuses to certain spells.  This
is generally mentioned in the spell description.
>>> Elementals <<<
There are a number of details about Elementals you need to know:

1. Earth Elementals do 50% poison damage, Fire elementals do
   50% fire damage, Air elementals do 50% electric damage and
   Water elementals do 50% asphyxiation damage.  The other 50%
   is physical damage.

2. Elementals have skills.  An elemental's skill % is dependant on
   YOUR spell % in the spell that summoned the elemental.

3. An elemental's general power (hp, ac, wc, etc) are determined by
   your level and wisdom.

4. Elementals are affected by conjunction points.  The more powerful
   a conjunction you achieve when you summon the elemental, the more
   powerful the elemental.

5. Fire and Earth Elementals HATE water.  They will attack you if you
   walk them into water.  Neptune's Blessing will help with this.

6. Water Elementals NEED water.  They will attack you if you lead
   them too far from water.  Kiss of Helios will assist with this.

7. Elementals don't like it on this plane.  Sometimes they attack you
   immediately when summoned.  The chance of this happening is based
   on your spell % with the spell used to summon the elemental.

8. Elementals are ALIEN.  Healing spells don't work as well on them
   as they do on most life forms.  ELEMENTAL HEALING spells work
   fairly well on elementals, reguard less of type.  An ELEMENTAL
   HEALING spell of the same type as the elemental works VERY well.

9. If you get an elemental killed, you will not get another one for
   around 35 minutes on average.  Elemental Favor reduces his time.

10. Elementals WILL tank aggressive monsters for you.

11. If you lose track of your elemental, casting the conjure elemental
    spell AGAIN will teleport it back to you.

12. Elementals DO take damage from area spells cast in the
    room with them.

13. Cloudburst WILL anger Fire and Earth Elementals.

14. Sirocco WILL anger Water Elementals.
>>> Elixirs <<<
Elixirs are a type of potion used to increase stats.

1. Up to THREE elixirs may be in use at the same time.

2. Sweetwater (a special type of elixir) can be used to remove the
   effects of elixirs before their durations run out.

3. Sweetwater will also cure poison.

4. The command to use an elixir is 'drink'
>>> Entangle <<<
A very potent spell that does a number of things to its victim:

1. Lowers the victim's strength.

2. Lowers the victim's dexterity.

3. Lowers the victim's armour class.

4. MAY prevent the victim from leaving the room.

5. This spell DOES lower the exp value of monsters it is cast upon.
>>> eyes_of_the_tiger">Eyes_of_the_tiger <<<
Similar to infravision/cat eyes/wolf eyes, but lasts approximately
three times as long.
>>> Faerie_fire <<<
This spell causes the target to glow, making it easier to hit/hurt.

1. This spell is the exact opposite of stoneskin.

2. TWO faerie fires can be STACKED on the same target.

3. This spell also affects the target's resistance to physical damage.

4. This spell produces light equal to one torch.  This light moves
   with the target.
>>> Finger_of_death <<<
Powerful attack spell replying on cold damage.

1. Finger of Death is capable of stunning its target.

2. Does more damage in the winter and less in the summber.

3. Does bonus damage based on Pluto Lore percentage.

4. If Pluto is in Conjunction when the spell is cast, it does
   MUCH more damage and has a MUCH higher chance of stunning.
>>> Fire_seeds <<<
This spell conjures Fire seeds which are used as missile weapons.

1. Pelt <target> to throw them.

2. Each casting of the spell will conjure one acorn or berry.

3. The berries are better (do more damage) than the acorns.

4. Spell percentage affects your chance of getting a berry.

5. Spell percentage lowers casting time.

6. Seniority and Conjunction points provide bonus damage.
>>> Fist_of_ra <<<
This spell renders its victim alergic to light, like vampires, for
the duration.

1. It can only be cast on players.

2. It can only be cast during the day.

3. It can NOT be cast on players already alergic to sunlight.

4. Dispells Kiss of Helios.

5. Dispelled BY Kiss of Helios.
>>> Flame_blade <<<
This spell creates a scythe, made of flame, for the Druid to wield.

1. It can NOT be dropped or given away.

2. It does 50% fire damage.

3. The flame blade has a bonus to hit and to damage based on the
   conjunction points achieved during casting.

4. The flame blade has a special attack versus UNDEAD.

5. Flame blades are 1h ancient weapons.  If cast by a
   race that can only use 2h weapons, it becomes a 2h ancient
>>> Gaia's_vengeance <<<
This spell reduces the target's ability to TUMBLE incoming spells.

1. It does NOT reduce the exp value of the target.

2. This DAMAGE from this spell CAN be tumbled.  The EFFECT can not.
>>> Hallucinatory_forest <<<
Creates a transitory, ephemeral forest surrounding the Druid.

1. The room is now considered "outdoors" for most purposes, though
   it IS still indoors so you can not, for example, fly into the
   illusionary sky.

2. Hallucinatory Forest costs 300sp to cast.

3. When cast, Conjunctions and Seniority cause the spell to "heal"
   the Druid of both hit points and spell points, effectively
   reducing the cost of the spell.

4. If used from a wand/staff the effect mentioned in #3 above still
   occurs.  This means that the spell is "free" since it is from a
   wand/staff AND it heals hit points/spell points, effively giving
   a negative spell point cost.
>>> Healing_draught <<<
Healing Draught has the added benefit of working MUCH better on a Water
Elemental than most healing spells.
>>> Heat_weapon <<<
See chill weapon.  This spell obviously works in exactly the opposite
way as chill weapon.
>>> Holy_days <<<
There are certain days of the year when a Druid's power is greatly
enhanced.  These Holy Days are as follows:

The Greater Sabbot Candlemas - 33rd day of the zombiemud year

The Vernal Equinox - 80th day of the zombiemud year

The Greater Sabbot Beltane - 121st day of the zombiemud year

The Summer Solstice - 172nd day of the zombiemud year

The Greater Sabbot Lammas - 213th day of the zombiemud year

The Autumnal Equinox - 264th day of the zombiemud year

The Greater Sabbot Samhain - 304th day of the zombiemud year

The Winter Solstice - 355th day of the zombiemud year

The Greater Sabbots are more important/powerful Holy Days than
the Equinoxes and Solstices.

Each Holy Day lasts for the ENTIRE mud day.
NOTE - A mud day is four (4) REAL WORLD hours.

The skills Astronomy and Natural Order will tell you the time
until the next Holy Day (and a lot of other neat stuff too).
>>> Holy_ground <<<
Holy Ground has the added benefit of working MUCH better on an Earth
Elemental than most healing spells.
>>> Kiss_of_helios <<<
This spell marks the target as favored of Helios, the Sun.  It will
prevent those alergic to the light (vampires and such) from taking
any damage or losing stats while in the light.

1.  Kiss of Helios will protect a Water Elemental from dehydration.

2.  Kiss of Helios will dispell Fist of Ra.

3.  Kiss of Helios is dispelled BY Fist of Ra.
>>> Leadership <<<
Leadership in this guild is calculated a little differently
than in many other guilds.

1.  ALL skills and spells in the main guild and all druid
    subguilds are part of the leadership calculation.

2.  Your exp/worth does NOT enter into the calculation.

3.  Some skills/spells appear in more than one guild or
    subguild.  If the skill/spell appears more than once,
    it is counted more than once for its leadership value.

4.  Seniority has an effect on leadership.  Essentially,
    one seniority step is worth the same as two skills or
    spells studied to 75%.

5.  NOTE: our leadership system is nonstandard, but exactly
    the way I want it.  If you really, really hate it, I
    would suggest moving to another guild that better suits
    your temprament.
>>> Life_beyond_death <<<
This spell gives a fairly good chance for the caster to survive death.

1. It is NOT 100% and you can die while using this spell.

2. When you "escape death" you are healed to maximum hit points and
   spell points.

3. The spell will only protect you ONCE, after which it wears off.

4. There are no guarantees.  Even if you "escape death" you could be
   stunned and killed again the very next round.

5. If a millennium wand/staff is dedicated to this spell, it will
   protect the one using the staff.

6. When cast (using a wand/staff) on someone without knowledge of
   this spell, it will be substantially less effective as the spell
   power is based on spell percentage.
>>> Lion's_heart <<<
This spell makes the recipient RESISTANT to fear and terror spells.
The specific resistance is quite high, but as each of these spells
has THREE chances to make a victim flee, lion's heart CAN fail to
protect you.

NOTE: this spell will also prevent you from WIMPYING.
>>> Locate_animals <<<
A simplified version of Commune With Nature, this spell shows only
LIVING objects in adjacent rooms.
>>> Moonbeam <<<
Moonbeam heals everyone in the room periodically, affecting hit
points and spell points.  Moonbeams also produce light equal to
a single torch.

Zombiemud has FOUR (4) moons.  Each moon ranges from Dark/New to
Bright/Full.  The total amount of moonlight governs this spell.
The more total light, the more powerful this spell.

NOTE - this spell will not work if it is cloudy (cloudburst).
>>> Mud_time <<<
Mud time runs at 6x normal speed.  That is, a mud day is 4 RL hours.
A mud year is 365 days, or approximately 61 RL days.
>>> Natural_order <<<
This skill makes the Druid aware of the Natural Order at the time use.
Information included is:

1. Day, Week, Month and Year.

2. Exact time of day.

3. Time of sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk.

4. Current Season.

5. Phases for all four moons.

6. Brightness of each moon and the total brightness.
>>> Nature's_portal <<<
Works essentially the same as Relocate, but can ONLY be cast outside.
>>> Neptune's_blessing <<<
This spell is similar to Water Walking, but is better in three

1. It lasts much longer.

2. In addition to not hurting you. water will actually heal you.

3. You are notified when this spell wears off your elementals,
   reducing the risk of the elemental turning on you by accident.
>>> New_rank_system <<<
New Druid Rank System

A new Druid starts at Rank 0, an Oviate.  Additional
Ranks provide new titles as shown below:
0          "Oviate"
1          "Novitiate"
2          "Initiate of the First Circle"
3          "Initiate of the Second Circle"
4          "Initiate of the Third Circle"
5          "Initiate of the Fourth Circle"
6          "Initiate of the Fifth Circle"
7          "Initiate of the Sixth Circle"
8          "Initiate of the Seventh Circle"
9          "Initiate of the Eighth Circle"
10         "Initiate of the Ninth Circle"
11         "Druid"
12         "Archdruid"
13         "Elder Druid"
14         "Great Druid"
15         "Grand Druid"
16         "Hierophant Druid"
17         "Hierophant Initiate"
18         "Hierophant Adept"
19         "Hierophant Master"
20         "Numinous Hierophant"
21         "Mystic Hierophant"
22         "Arcane Hierophant"
23+        "Hierophant of the Cabal"

Druids rise in rank by casting the Advancement spell.

The advancement spell can only be cast during major and
minor Holy Days (see holy_days), Lunar Eclipses and Solar

Secondary Druids may only rise in Rank on Major Holy Days.

Casting Advancement during an Eclipse has unpredictable

Lunar Eclipse:
1 in 6 - gain one Rank
2 in 6 - nothing happens, can try again
3 in 6 - lose one Rank

Solar Eclipse:
1 in 6 - lose one Rank
1 in 6 - nothing happens, can try again
4 in 6 - gain one Rank

Advancement must be cast in the main guild room.

Advancement can only be cast ONCE during each Holy Day.
If it does nothing when cast during an Eclipse, it CAN
be recast until it DOES do something.
>>> Northwind <<<
This spell is affected by the season.  In the winter months, this spell
does approximately 30% more damage.  During the summer months it does
approximately 30% less damage.
>>> Pass_plant <<<
This spell teleports you back to the Druid guild.  It has two main

1. It can only be cast outdoors.

2. It has a chance of failing.  This failure will NOT kill you.
   It will teleport you to a completely random point on the main
   outdoor map.

3. If a random teleport lands you out to sea, you CAN drown.
>>> Plant_door <<<
Teleports the caster to the Druid guild.  This spell NEVER fails
(assuming you cast it correctly) but can ONLY be cast outside.
>>> Provision <<<
Produces fresh, nourishing food from a drop of the Druid's blood.
Possible food items, in order of how nourishing they are is shown

A fresh radish
A plump pecan
A large walnut
A fresh stalk of celery
A big red apple
A fresh orange
A huge potato
A bright yellow banana
A handful of fresh berries

NOTE: Seniority and conjunction points have a GREAT impact on how
nourishing the food produced by this spell is.  A handful of fresh
berries produced by a high Seniority druid is likely to be three
times as filling as Lembas.
>>> Pyrotechnics <<<
This spell requires a flame souce and produces a blast of magical
fireworks that cause fire damage.

1. Casting this spell puts the fire out.

2. There is a chance of producing a cloud of choking smoke instead
   of fire in which case it does asphyxiation damage.
>>> Rock_to_mud <<<
This spell was removed due to its abusability in PK situations.
>>> Salves <<<
Salves are a type of potion that is used to increase resistance to a
specific type of damage.

1. The protection provided is in the form of RESISTANCE, like that
   provided by guilds and certain types of equipment.

2. They CAN be used with lesser/greater invulnerability spells,
   protection from good, armour of god, harmony armor, etc.

3. The command to use a salve is 'apply'

4. ONLY ONE salve can be in use at a time.

5. Cold cream (a special type of salve) can be used to remove a salve before
   its duration runs out.  This way you can switch to a different salve if the
   situation demands it.

6. ONE salve can be applied to an Elemental.  The command is 'smear.'

7. Elemental salves can NOT be changed without dismissing the
>>> Sirocco <<<
This spell fills a room with a hot, dry wind.  This has a number of

1. The room is now a 'dry' room for as long as the spell lasts.

2. Water affiliated races take damage in the sirocco.

3. Races alergic to water heal faster in the sirocco.

4. Anyone with Neptune's Blessing cast upon them will take damage
   from the sirocco.

5. This spell instantly dispells Cloudburst.

6. This spell is instantly dispelled BY Cloudburst.

7. This spell will instantly dispell Rock to Mud.
>>> Skyfire <<<
This spell does approximately 10-15% MORE damage in rooms with water.
In rooms where it is raining (cloudburst) it does 25-30% more damage,
depending on time of year and other variables.

NOTE: this bonus damage does NOT increase the sp cost of the spell.
>>> Soothing_heat <<<
Soothing heat has the added benefit of working MUCH better on a Fire
Elemental than most healing spells.
>>> Stellar_shadows <<<
This skill is a variation on the Astronomy skill.  It will show a
summary of all of the Conjunctions that will happen in the next mud
day, grouped by Conjunction Point total.
>>> Sticks_to_snakes <<<
This spell transforms a TORCH, STICK or STAFF into a viper which
lashes out and bites the victim.  This spell has been changed somewhat
recently to make it more useful to low level characters.

1. The spell does NOT destroy the torch, stick or staff.

2. You may use a staff you are wielding for the spell.

3. The spell now receives bonus damage from Earth Lore as it should
>>> Stoneskin <<<
This is an excellent protection spell.  It is as good as barkskin.
The two spells may be stacked in the following combinations:

1. Barkskin and Barkskin

2. Barkskin and Stoneskin

3. Stoneskin and Stoneskin
>>> Summon_insects <<<
This spell reduces the target's dexterity quite a bit.  It does
NOT reduce the exp worth of a monster.
>>> Summon_mule <<<
They are the druid version of floating discs.  They will carry a fair
amount of stuff, more if you get a good conjunction.  They have a number
of special features described below:

1. mule silent - this command does away with the enter and leave messages
   of the mules.  Put in because someone complained about the spam.

2. mule fix_weight - mules have the same kind of weight problems players
   do.  Typing mule fix_weight will correct the mule's weight problems.

3. If a PLAYER (not a monster) attacks your mule when you are NOT in the
   same room, the mule will run instantly to your location.  This is to
   keep other people from maliciously killing your mules.

4. Mules ARE affected by area spells.
>>> Summon_storm <<<
This spell does approximately 10-15% MORE damage in rooms with water.
In rooms where it is raining (cloudburst) it does 25-30% more damage,
depending on time of year and other variables.

NOTE: this bonus damage does NOT increase the sp cost of the spell.
>>> Summon_swarm <<<
This spell has been removed by order of Avandhar.
>>> Sunray <<<
This spell has a number of limitations:

1. It can ONLY be cast on undead, including Death Knights.

2. It can NOT be cast at night.

3. It can NOT be cast if the sky cloudy (cloudburst)

During the early morning or late afternoon hours this spell does a
maximum of 1000 damage.  During midday, when the sun is brightest,
this spell does a maximum of 2000 damage.
>>> Talismans <<<
Talismans are small magical objects which are worn as jewelry.  Each
Talisman is created using the Forge Talisman skill and can not be used
until Awakened with the Awaken Talisman skill.  The power of the
Talisman is based on the skill in forging it and in awakening it.
There are eight types of Talismans:

1. Provides a bonus to the quick chant skill.

2. Provides extra resistance to Magical attacks.

3. Provides a bonus to armour class, identical to that provided by
   actual armour or protection spells like Shield of Protection.

4. Allows the wearer to store extra spell points for use in times of
   need.  MUST be worn to charge it up and if removed, ALL of the
   spell points stored in it vanish.

5. Detects hidden thieves or invisible creatures/objects in the same

6. Warns the wearer if any spell or skill is targetted on them.
   Also warns if the kill command is targetted on them.

7. Automatically tries to remove poison and disease every couple of

8. Provides a bonus to the zapping skill.
>>> Taxidermy <<<
This skill converts monster corpses into cute and cuddly stuffed
animals.  They have a tag showing who made them and when.  The
stuffed animals have a number of emotes associated with them and
can be transformed into gold coins to increase profit margins.
>>> Thunderclap <<<
This spell is a special area affect attack that does the following:

1. Does a small amount of physical damage to all targets in the
   room that are NOT in the caster's party.

2. Interrupts any spell OR skill that ANYONE in the room is casting
   or using, UNLESS they are in the caster's party.

3. Has a chance, based on seniority and conjunction points, to stun
   all targets in the room that are not in the caster's party.

NOTE: you can stun SOME of the people in a room, without stunning
them all.  The chance to stun is checked for EACH target.
>>> Wall_of_fire <<<
The Druid version of shelter.  This spell keeps players and monsters
OUT of a room.  It also heals everyone inside it periodically like a
>>> Wall_of_thorns <<<
This spell is a version of shelter that will keep players and monster
both IN and OUT.

1. Anyone attempting to leave will take damage from the thorns.

2. SOME monsters can bash their way through the thorns to escape.

3. The caster can transform the wall of thorns into a wall of fire
   at will by typing burn wall.

4. If a powerful blast of fire or electric damage strikes the wall,
   it will transform into a wall of FIRE.

5. Cold or poison damage will destroy the wall.
>>> Wand_staff <<<
Millennium wands/staffs are used to store and discharges spells.
There are a number of steps involved in their use and creation:

1. You have to carve the wand/staff from the Millennium Tree using
   percentage in theseskills determines the QUALITY of the wand/staff
   you make.

2. You then have to pick a spell for the wand to contain.  You use
   this with the DEDICATE SPELL skill.  You can only dedicate a
   wand/staff ONCE.  You can NOT change the spell it is dedicated to
   later.  You can NOT dedicate a spell you do not know.  You can
   ONLY dedicate 'Druid' spells.  Your spell % in the spell you are
   trying to dedicate CAN cause this skill to fail.
   NOTE - a given Druid can dedicate ONLY 2 wands and 2 staffs per
   reboot to 'attack' spells.

3. Once dedicated, the wand/staff must be CHARGED.  This is done with
   the MILLENNIUM CHARGE spell.  This spell has a variable cost,
   ranging from 100% to 150% of the spellcost of the spell the
   wand/staff is DEDICATED to.  A wand has a max of FOUR charges and
   a staff has a max of EIGHT charges.

   NOTE - the QUALITY of the wand/staff (see point 1) CAN cause this
   spell to fail.

4. Wands/staffs are used by the discharge command.  The syntax is
   'discharge wand' or 'discharge staff' or 'discharge wand at '
   or 'discharge staff at '

5. Discharging a wand/staff uses the ZAPPING skill to determine success.
   NOTE - nonDruids have a penalty to their zapping skill.

6. Discharging a wand/staff takes ONE HALF of the usual casting time
   for the spell contained in the wand/staff.

7. UNDEDICATED wands/staffs CAN be saved over reboot.

8. DEDICATED wands/staffs can NOT be saved over reboot.
>>> Wisdom_of_ptah <<<
This spell provides a CONSTANT awareness of the Conjunction state of
all eight planets and the sun.

NOTE: This spell NEVER wears off.  Casting the spell a second time
will cancel the spell.
>>> Wrath_of_tefnut <<<
This spell renders its victim alergic to water, like vampires, for
the duration.

1. It can only be cast on players.

2. It can NOT be cast on players already alergic to water.

3. Dispells Neptune's Blessing.

4. Dispelled BY Neptune's Blessing.
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com