Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



[Guild Info | Level Info]

Directionscs> 12 n;17 e;village;3 e;ring bell;enter ferry (waitwait) out;w;2 s;4 e;2 s;leave;2 se;6 e;forest;
back> 6 w;2 nw;village;2 n;4 w;2 n;e;enter ferry (waitwait) out;20 w;w;12 s

        Druids are masters of Elemental magic, drawing their powers
from the great Elemental Lords.  This grants the Druids a great affinity
for life and all things natural, including plants, animals, weather, and
even the stars and planets.  A high wisdom is absolutely essential to a
Druid, and a high intelligence and constitution are helpful.
NOTE: Not all races may be able to become primary druids.
      Vampires, Golem and Tinmen need not apply.
NOTE: Druids may not join (and vice versa) Necromancer, Warlock or Death
hps sps str dex con int wis cha hpr spr resists
Dryad (5)153500012130012
Elementalists (5)153500012130012
Filidh (5)153500012130012
Scathatch (5)153500012130011
Druid Help Filesdru_library - Library of Tir-na-N'og. Found in the Druid Library, it is an extensive guide to the Druid guild.
dru_torc - List of Druid torc ranks.
Druid Skill/Spell Tables
| Skill:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| astronomy                              | 5|  0|100|  900|   0|
| natural order                          | 5|  0|100|  100|   0|
| skill that saves sp                    | 5|  0|100|  100|   0|
| stellar shadows                        | 5|  0|100| 1125|   0|
| sun lore                               | 5|  0|100|  150|   0|
| composting                             | 8|  0|100|  100|   0|
| taxidermy                              | 8|  0|100|  100|   0|
| tinning                                | 8|  0|100|  100|   0|
| mercury lore                           | 9|  0|100|  300|   0|
| attack                                 |11|  0| 80|  975|   0|
| weapon skill 1h bludgeon               |11|  0| 80|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 1h dagger                 |11|  0| 80|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 1h staff                  |11|  0| 80|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 2h bludgeon               |11|  0| 80|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 2h dagger                 |11|  0| 80|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 2h staff                  |11|  0| 80|  225|   0|
| consider                               |12|  0|100|  100|   0|
| weapon skill 2h ancient                |13|  0| 90|  225|   0|
| essence eye                            |14|  0|100|  100|   0|
| venus lore                             |14|  0|100|  450|   0|
| weapon skill 1h ancient                |15|  0|100|  225|   0|
| mars lore                              |19|  0|100|  600|   0|
| air lore                               |24|  0| 25| 1875|   1|
| earth lore                             |24|  0| 25| 1875|   1|
| fire lore                              |24|  0| 25| 1875|   1|
| jupiter lore                           |24|  0|100|  750|   0|
| water lore                             |24|  0| 25| 1875|   1|
| saturn lore                            |29|  0|100|  900|   0|
| uranus lore                            |34|  0|100| 1050|   0|
| leadership                             |35|  0| 95|  375|   0|
| neptune lore                           |39|  0|100| 1200|   0|
| zapping                                |40|  0| 75|  100|   0|
| electric enchanting                    |45|  0|100| 300k| 200|
| pluto lore                             |45|  0|100| 1350|   0|
| poison enchanting                      |45|  0|100| 150k| 100|
| quick chant                            |45|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| Total:  36  |

| Spell:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| bright light                           | 5| 30|100| 1425|   0|
| darkness                               | 5|  0|100|  100|   0|
| light                                  | 5|  0|100|  100|   0|
| wisdom of ptah                         | 5|  0|100|  150|   0|
| detect alignment                       | 6|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| dispel curse                           | 6|  0|100|  225|   0|
| provision                              | 8|  0|100|  375|   0|
| pyrotechnics                           | 8|  0|100|  100|   0|
| locate animals                         | 9|  0|100|  100|   0|
| summon mule                            | 9|  0|100|  100|   0|
| create money                           |12|  0|100|  100|   0|
| produce fire                           |12|  0|100|  525|   0|
| soothing heat                          |12|  0|100|  225|   0|
| degrade venom                          |14|  0|100|  450|   0|
| neptune's blessing                     |14|  0|100|  300|   0|
| kiss of helios                         |17|  0|100|  225|   0|
| obscurement                            |17|  0|100|  525|   0|
| summon insects                         |17|  0|100|  750|   0|
| displacement                           |18|  0|100|  525|   0|
| eyes of the tiger                      |18|  0|100| 1125|   0|
| flame blade                            |18|  0|100|  600|   0|
| commune with nature                    |20|  0|100|  525|   0|
| hallucinatory forest                   |20|  0|100| 1125|   0|
| pass plant                             |20|  0|100|  300|   0|
| chill weapon                           |22|  0|100| 3750|   2|
| healing draught                        |22|  0|100|  750|   0|
| heat weapon                            |22|  0|100| 3750|   2|
| holy ground                            |22|  0|100|  750|   0|
| entangle                               |25|  0|100|  750|   0|
| lesser electric invulnerability        |25|  0|100| 2025|   1|
| sticks to snakes                       |25|  0|100|  600|   0|
| cloudburst                             |27|  0|100|  525|   0|
| moonbeam                               |27|  0|100|  450|   0|
| sirocco                                |27|  0|100|  525|   0|
| stoneskin                              |27|  0|100|  600|   0|
| faerie fire                            |30|  0|100|  750|   0|
| gaia's vengeance                       |30|  0|100| 1350|   0|
| nature's portal                        |30|  0|100|  525|   0|
| antivenin                              |32|  0|100|  675|   0|
| northwind                              |32|  0|100|  300|   0|
| time's arrow                           |32|  0|100| 1425|   0|
| blurred image                          |34|  0|100|  600|   0|
| breath of life                         |34|  0|100| 1350|   0|
| conjure lesser elemental               |34|  0|100| 2250|   1|
| control temperature                    |34|  0|100| 2850|   1|
| cure disease                           |34|  0|100|  750|   0|
| dragon sight                           |34|  0|100| 2250|   1|
| fist of ra                             |34|  0|100|  450|   0|
| greater electric invulnerability       |34|  0|100| 3000|   2|
| wall of fire                           |34|  0|100|  375|   0|
| wrath of tefnut                        |34|  0|100|  450|   0|
| electrical field                       |39|  0|100|  750|   0|
| fire seeds                             |39|  0|100| 1125|   0|
| lion's heart                           |39|  0|100|  750|   0|
| plant door                             |40|  0|100|  600|   0|
| skyfire                                |40|  0|100| 2025|   1|
| thunderclap                            |40|  0|100| 2625|   1|
| summon storm                           |43|  0|100| 2250|   1|
| sunray                                 |43|  0|100| 2250|   1|
| wall of thorns                         |43|  0|100|  525|   0|
| creeping doom                          |45|  0|100| 2175|   1|
| enchant arrow                          |45|  0|100| 7500|   5|
| finger of death                        |45|  0|100| 2175|   1|
| life beyond death                      |45|  0|100| 3375|   2|
| Total:  64  |
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com