Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



[Guild Info | Level Info]

Directionscs> 5 w;3 n
back> 3 s;5 e

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hps sps str dex con int wis cha hpr spr resists
Mist_walkers (10)0100000103050307mag
Order_of_light (10)0100001003503272phys 5mag
Order_of_shadow (10)0100501003005253phys 3acid 1mag
Terran_knights (10)1000300200002507phys
Cleric Help Filescle_ranks - List of Church ranks.
Cleric Skill/Spell Tables
| Skill:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| commune                                | 4|  0|100|  100|   0|
| convert                                | 5|  0|100|  900|   0|
| essence eye                            |16|  0|100|  100|   0|
| tinning                                |20|  0|100|  100|   0|
| skill that saves sp                    |21|  0|100|  100|   0|
| prayer                                 |22|  0|100|  300|   0|
| attack                                 |24|  0|100|  975|   0|
| smash                                  |25|  0| 70|  18k|  12|
| weapon skill 1h bludgeon               |30|  0| 85|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 1h staff                  |30|  0| 85|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 2h bludgeon               |30|  0| 85|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 2h staff                  |30|  0| 85|  225|   0|
| purify soul                            |40|  0|100| 5250|   3|
| arcane lore                            |45|  0| 80|  56k|  37|
| bless                                  |45|  0|100| 7500|   5|
| holy might                             |45|  0| 35|  28k|  18|
| leadership                             |45|  0| 90|  375|   0|
| quick chant                            |45|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| zapping                                |45|  0|100|  100|   0|
| Total:  19  |

| Spell:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| create money                           | 9|  0|100|  100|   0|
| cause light wounds                     |10|  0|100|  100|   0|
| create food                            |10|  0|100|  375|   0|
| cure light wounds                      |10|  0|100|  225|   0|
| darkness                               |10|  0|100|  100|   0|
| light                                  |10|  0|100|  100|   0|
| cure serious wounds                    |15|  0|100|  450|   0|
| dispel curse                           |15|  0|100|  225|   0|
| slow poison                            |16|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| detect alignment                       |17|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| cause serious wounds                   |19|  0|100|  375|   0|
| floating disc                          |19|  0|100|  100|   0|
| displacement                           |20|  0|100|  525|   0|
| infravision                            |20|  0|100|  450|   0|
| water walking                          |20|  0|100|  100|   0|
| sex change                             |22|  0|100|  150|   0|
| shield of protection                   |22|  0|100|  600|   0|
| cure critical wounds                   |25|  0|100|  675|   0|
| estimate worth                         |25|  0|100|  100|   0|
| flamestrike                            |25|  0|100|  450|   0|
| lesser poison invulnerability          |25|  0|100| 2025|   1|
| teleport with error                    |25|  0|100|  300|   0|
| dispel undead                          |28|  0|100|  900|   0|
| cause critical wounds                  |29|  0|100|  600|   0|
| blurred image                          |30|  0|100|  600|   0|
| cure disease                           |30|  0|100|  750|   0|
| reincarnation                          |30|  0|100|  750|   0|
| remove poison                          |30|  0|100|  675|   0|
| remove scar                            |30|  0|100|  100|   0|
| resurrect                              |30|  0|100|  750|   0|
| shelter                                |32|  0|100|  375|   0|
| relocate                               |35|  0|100|  525|   0|
| greater poison invulnerability         |40|  0|100| 3000|   2|
| harm                                   |40|  0|100| 3450|   2|
| heal                                   |40|  0|100|  900|   0|
| summon ghost                           |40|  0| 65|  900|   0|
| ward undead                            |41|  0|100| 1650|   1|
| teleport without error                 |43|  0| 75|  600|   0|
| feast                                  |45|  0| 50|  150|   0|
| harm body                              |45|  0| 75| 4875|   3|
| healing wind                           |45|  0| 50| 1425|   0|
| holy presence                          |45|  0| 50| 2400|   1|
| holy wisdom                            |45|  0| 50| 1875|   1|
| sacred ritual                          |45|  0| 50| 1500|   1|
| unholy presence                        |45|  0| 50| 2400|   1|
| Total:  45  |
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com