Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator


Event Info

The blood bath is a free-for-all pk event.

You get points for killing other players; the higher their level the more points you get. Naturally this event isn't much fun for newbies since they tend to die early.

You do not have to join the event, all unidle players are automatically in the event. If you are unidle you are a target.

There are no safe zones in the mud from this event, not even inside a castle. The only way to avoid this event is to either go idle or go link dead.

You have ten minutes to get ready, then fifteen minutes of killing before the event ends.

At the end of the event, anyone who died from it get a free ress with no exp loss.

If you are impatient and get a ress before the event ends, you lose exp.

If you are link dead when the event ends, you don't get a free ress.

Zombie Messages
- Event start:
Blood red demon shouts 'I have arrived to this plane of existence to call
up an event, BLOOD BATH!  I will create a total chaos;  your mortal life
won't be the same after I'm done.  Get ready!  You have  10m.'
type: 'help bloodbath' for info

- Killing start:
Blood red demon shouts 'IT'S BLOOD BATH TIME!  SLAUGHTEEEEER!!!  You
have  15m!'
Kill'em all!

- Event end:
Blood red demon shouts 'THE BLOOD BATH IS OVER!'
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com