Nul {mud}: kubix is idiot pkiller Lim [mud]: and you got killed by a level 25 how? Nul {mud}: i am cleric .. Lim [mud]: which means you bend over and LET him kill you? or... Neyasit [mud]: he's not a smasher Lim [mud]: uhh, level 25 killed you in one shot? Nul {mud}: it takes few shots Lim [mud]: so again, how did he manage to do this? Malys [sales]: w:emerald ring Lim [mud]: lesson learned i hope...don't allow people to kill you Boytest [mud]: what Boytest [mud]: level 25 people rule Nul {mud}: he replied when i asked why he attacked me , Kubix tells you 'cause i can Cervantes the toasted [mud]: ress at tinkers Lim [mud]: shrug, when i attacked him he told me to fuck off Myria [mud]: Bling. Neyasit [mud]: let's make a hunt? Lim [mud]: apparently the same logic doesn't apply to him Lim [mud]: well he's a pussy, sitting in his castle atm Lim [mud]: Kubix: The main gate. Kubix [mud]: its true Kubix [mud]: u guys are gay Zaxon {mud}: oh no Neyasit [mud]: heh.. he won't get any ress from me.. only prays and smashes Zaxon {mud}: plz don't call me gay Zaxon {mud}: no no no Zaxon {mud}: don't do it Zaxon {mud}: plzzzz Lim [mud]: nogit zaxon, i don't know if i can take the blow to my psyche Lim [mud]: oh, and kubix, you started this :) Kubix [mud]: just cause u guys are too stupid to let someoen pk u and not even notice that ur getting hit and u call me a dumbass? Lim [mud]: so YOU'RE gay! ahahhahaha Lim [mud]: nono, i called nul a dumbass first Neyasit [mud]: lim = kubix????? Lim [mud]: eheh Kubix [mud]: am i right whoever get pked is stupid, u should have notice that u r getting hit and would exit the room Zaxon {mud}: whoever gets pk'd is stupid? Zaxon {mud}: fuck you're a dumbass Zaxon {mud}: come sit in cs Zaxon {mud}: you won't be able to leave the room Boy : i'm sitting at cs Neyasit [mud]: zaxon, please make kubix stupid =) Kubix [mud]: so what if i sit in cs? Zaxon {mud}: "after you notice yourself getting hit" Cervantes [mud]: fuck u kubix youre the stupid! Kubix [mud]: do u think i really care if i die? Nul {mud}: what about making cubix stupid then Neyasit [mud]: even irl>? Zaxon {mud}: thats not what i'm talking about dude Kubix [mud]: do u think i really care to die, if i go around killing people? Zaxon {mud}: "you should leave the room" Lim [mud]: nope, kubix, i just think you're a brat Zaxon {mud}: i'm saying you are making dumbass statements Nul {mud}: n Zaxon {mud}: you're not stupid if you die Zaxon {mud}: pc can kill most ppl in one spell, so how are you supposed to leave the room? Lim [mud]: nods Boy : pkcrystal Zaxon {mud}: ok Kubix [mud]: ok ill goto cs wahts that gonna prove? u guys kill me 100x and whats the point of that? cause i dont' really care if i die Boy : help spell mirror mind Lim [mud]: yawn, who's castle has a main gate entrance...should only take a boot to figure that one out Zaxon {mud}: go fix d2 up boy Kubix [mud]: here i goto cs, and get kill Zaxon {mud}: dude we don't care :) Boy : it would probably be smarter not to kill him Boy : so maybe he'll shutup Lim [mud]: nah, we'll just find your castle and kill your primary Kubix [mud]: wow imma get pk, all i have to do is pray and come back Zaxon {mud}: i have to type at least 10 command to come to cs, and it's not worth it just to kill you Lim [mud]: ehehe Zaxon {mud}: when i could instead of typing those 10 commands use the time to abuse you for being a moron Boy : his primary is darc Lim [mud]: that makes sooo much sense Kubix [mud]: here i am kill me Kubix the toasted [mud]: laf Rcol [mud]: IIVIL PKILLER! Lim [mud]: lef Kubix [mud]: and ur point? Kubix [mud]: again again again Rcol [mud]: am i? Boy : that if you don't shutit you're going to jail instead? Kubix [mud]: would that make u feel better? Neyasit [mud]: please log this stuff for kadaan's collection Kubix the toasted [mud]: fuck u all nigga die fucking, white ass trash fuck america