Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator


[inform]: Lugie recovers from link death.
Troll shouts 'Take THAT Lugie! *RAH RAH*'
[inform]: Lugie dies.
Lugie the toasted [mud]: ekk
Tombslayer [party]: incoming I hope :O
Slimy Creature shouts 'Oops, I better watch what I step on next time, sorry Tombslayer.'
[inform]: Tombslayer dies.
Tombslayer the toasted [mud]: muah
[inform]: Pookman recovers from link death.
[inform]: Pookman dies.
Pookman the toasted [mud]: ouch
Conglomo [mud]: sex
Conglomo [mud]: sex
Conglomo [mud]: sex
Conglomo [mud]: Oops
Conglomo [mud]: no space :P
Keef [mud]: what i type if i want delete this char and name
Stryder [mud]: ld suicide
Rolack {mud}: 20 tell leper fuck you
finger keef
Keef the Hobbit 
Level: 1  Age:  3h 3m 34s
Currently away: 'suicide'
Keef has been link dead for  4s.
No plan.
[friend]: Setsuna goes link dead.
Conglomo tells you 'kill every tergoyle in small intestine =P'
Conglomo tells you 'setsuna is gettin tracked'
[friend]: Setsuna recovers from link death.
Tergoyle shouts 'Setsuna should learn to use consider!'
[friend]: Setsuna dies.
Musashi {mud}: rule #2: dont ask worths on mud channel
Musashi {mud}: which follows rule #1: dont ask directions on mud channel
Mjutu [mud]: rule #3 always turn left
Tawnos [mud]: i thought rule #1 was don't listen to musashi
Zaxon [mud]: next left
Zaxon [mud]: rule #5 (not noted anywhere) 2 same turns = U-turn
Zaxon [mud]: created for kiwis
Musashi {mud}: the corollary to that one is #5a: dont listen to people who give you
Musashi {mud}: with #5b: if you've just come from the beach, and you see the ocean,
  and you're heading towards it, you're going the WRONG WAY
Tiffany [mud]: no that's just you mushy... "its faster to go straight..  next right..."
Mjutu [mud]: all roads leads to rome, so your always on the wrong road...if your not
  travelling to rome
Nini [mud]: whey...what happend to rule #4?? :)
Musashi {mud}: I think rule 3 and 4 havent been released to the public yet
Salainen [mud]: rule #4, smart ass newbies end up six feet under
Katiria [mud]: 3th would be like, dont give any bananas to monkey musashis
Katiria [mud]: 3rd even
You feel like Boy healed you a bit.
Amhmed [mud]: nonono, You feel like Boy healed you a bit. !!!! NOOOOOO!
>Lugie tells you 'how do i look at a downloaded file'
>You tell Lugie 'open your eyes'
>Lugie tells you 'where can i find it now thats its downlosaded'
>You tell Lugie 'hit alt + F4 to open your last downloaded program'
> [inform]: Lugie goes link dead.
-> From Paw
Alterac [sales]: Kelshi's blood red battlesuit of Rage (brill) 100k
Tombslayer [sales]: is it +coolness?
Alterac [sales]: only for you tomby
Tombslayer [sales]: that would quadruple the value don't you know :P
Alterac [sales]: shoot 400k mb then
wr_touch slith
You spread darkness into Slith's soul.
Slith leaves north.
[inform]: Slith goes link dead.
Alterac [wazoo]: 200k more for level
Conglomo [wazoo]: now I'll kill u :)
Alterac [wazoo]: last chance to kill me b4 i can level
Alterac [wazoo]: fuck
[friend]: Alterac dies.
[friend]: Alterac goes link dead.
Conglomo [wazoo]: muahahahhaa
Alterac the toasted [mud]: that wasnt cool
Conglomo [wazoo]: you asked for it alterac :P
18:19 Juggla [party]: I am not playing at HOME! 
18:19 Sorbet [party]: so 
18:19 Karrock [party]: i give a shit 
18:19 Sorbet [party]: make trigs as you go 
18:19 Juggla [party]: i am in internet cafe 
18:19 Karrock [party]: you're apalling 
18:19 Sorbet [party]: your tanking from telnet ? 
18:19 Juggla [party]: nods 
18:20 Juggla [party]: sr plz
-> From Tiffany
20:05 Rhyph [mud]: something more than a bacteria...but less than a mushroom
20:05 Rhyph [mud]: although most aussies barely rate as plant life anyways
20:05 Superfro : heh
20:05 Rhyph [mud]: there are no aussie arches right?
-> From Cory
08:54 Rivar [ranger]: Okay, I'm having a problem here
08:55 Rivar [ranger]: It's not letting me wield two of the same axe
08:55 Dis [ranger]: tried lwield axe 2?
08:55 Kadaan {ranger}: try lwield axe 2
08:55 Rivar [ranger]: Excellent, I'm stupid.  Thanks
Frogbert [sales]: w: a parchment with any kind of attack spell
Amhmed [sales]: FROGBERT!
Frogbert [sales]: what?
Amhmed [sales]: you dog!
Frogbert [sales]: what? just taking care of a cleric killer :)
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A tastefull swamp mushroom.
Setsuna eats A loaf of bread.
Setsuna eats A loaf of bread.
Setsuna eats A loaf of bread.
Setsuna [party]: SHIT!
Cronk [mud]: can i get an invitation to the deathknight guild
Tawnos {mud}: no
Tawnos {mud}: its a 1G minimum i think
Myria [mud]: yup
Cronk [mud]: one g
Asura [mud]: yup
finger cronk
Cronk the Toadman 
Level: 16  Age: 5d 13h 45m 42s
She has been on for  33m 45s.  Idle:  10s.
Arena score: 1486
Best kill: Goblin raider - 4979 xp (solo)
No plan.
Cronk [mud]: how much exp is that
Zaxon {mud}: its not how much xp
Conglomo [mud]: 1000000000
Zaxon {mud}: you have to have a G in your name to get an invite
Tawnos {mud}: 1x10^9
Quasinym [mud]: at least 1
Zaxon {mud}: 1g minimum
Asura [mud]: huh?
Zaxon {mud}: so you need at least one g in your name
Zaxon {mud}: so mobius egghead could get an invite
Zaxon {mud}: since there is 2 g's in egghead
Myria [oit]: Newbies are fun.
Tawnos {mud}: zaxon faggot would work
Asura [mud]: even asura gannon would work
Zaxon {mud}: no
Zaxon {mud}: cos your name isn't asura gannon
Asura [mud]: if it was
Zaxon {mud}: your name is asura i'mastupidmoron and there is no g in that
Quasinym [mud]: last names aren't really suppose to count, zaxon was just saying
  that because he thinks mobius is cute
Asura [mud]: no it's not
Quasinym says 'i spent a couple months not playing, dropped my tax right down'
say hehe, I was banned for 60 days earlier :) got my tax way down :)
You smile and say 'hehe, I was banned for 60 days earlier :) got my tax way down :)'
Quasinym smiles and says 'i lost my eq two days before the druid tune.  two good
  reasons not to play. :)'
Quasinym asks 'why the ban?'
say botting torc :)
You smile and say 'botting torc :)'
Quasinym says 'ahahahaha'
Quasinym smiles and says 'i botted torc and got my torc reset, no ban. :)'
Quasinym smiles and says 'i was pretty honest about it though...i had an away
  "botting torc, back later" :)'
Sheela Nagig the Djinni 242
Level: 80  Age: 177d 12h 40m 4s
Currently away: 'be back in 20 min'
She has been on for  33m 55s.  Idle:  31m 57s.
08:15 Kukemssa [ranger]: what's with this "berry decomposes" message when I didn't
  have any berries to begin with?
08:15 Conglomo [ranger]: probbaly bugs
08:15 Kadaan [ranger]: it's when you eat them
08:15 Kukemssa [ranger]: hrmm
08:15 Kadaan [ranger]: the 'decomposing' is when you take a shit I guess
Conglomo [oit]: You gotta thrust your pelvius *HUAH* You gotta thrust your pelvis *HUAH*
Myria [oit]: Oh my god...
Icon [mud]: if i buy a room, will it connect the room i bought already??
Wix [mud]: you have to do that part
Zorac {mud}: maybe
Samvara [mud]: no you have to buy a door too
Captain shouts 'Thanks Boy. I still need 5k more exp for level.'
[inform]: Boy dies.
Boy the toasted [mud]: healer is fired ;)
Tawnos [mud]: oh hush
Tawnos [mud]: christ am i gonna have to tank this
Boy the toasted [mud]: well yah, if you're not gonna heal!
Tawnos [mud]: oh blah i got one off
Boy the toasted [mud]: ress please
-> From Hammanu
Paw [sex]: i dont bot
Paw [sex]: but my trigs do do everything for me
Paw [sex]: botting was like when i was warlock and turned my trigs on and fell asleep :P
Helroar [newbie]: how do I fight
Kadaan {newbie}: go east from the church and type 'kill man'
Helroar [newbie]: thank you kadaan
[inform]: Helroar dies.
Shubby is fag0t
shubby the queer ass fucker
shubby is homo
 -Haiku composed by Kurisk
Paw [oit]: fuck
Paw [oit]: fuck
Paw [oit]: fuck
Paw [oit]: fuck
Paw [oit]: fuck
Paw [oit]: fuck
[inform]: Paw dies.
Paw [oit]: fuck
Paw [oit]: fuck
Paw [oit]: fuck
Paw [oit]: fuck
Rythion [mud]: haha fucked himseld to death
22:59 Tank tells you 'i havent been to sleep in 2 days'
22:59 Tank tells you 'i was out till 6am today then had to come directly to work'
22:59 Tank tells you 'i dropped 400 bucks on booze and bars in the last 3 days'
22:59 Tank tells you 'danced my back out last night'
23:00 Tank tells you 'rubbed up against some honeys ;)'
23:03 Tank tells you 'nod gotta hit bank tommorow ;)'
23:03 Tank tells you 'got a 12 pack of dosequies at home tho'
Our wizzes rule!
-> From Frogbert
>Bubba [monk]: what do my style pts do?                                         
>Frogbert [monk]: make you more ass                                             
>Frogbert [monk]: err.. kick more ass   
-> From Xeran
Dr [mud]: how do you get a the burner off teh floow
Dr [mud]: how do you get a the burner off the floor
Shubby [mud]: type "ld extract burner"
Melee [mud]: rearange the rooms
Terorist [mud]: ld get a the burner off the floor
(Dr went link dead)
Dr [mud]: interesting
Dr [mud]: how about you tell me the right way now :)
Mobius : You have won the game of magic stones!
Katiria {mud}: hrm
Terorist [mud]: do you really need to know dr?
Dr [mud]: yes
Terorist [mud]: you need to unfasten it
Terorist [mud]: go down from adv-guild and type freeze (castle x):(castle y) burner
Dr [mud]: umm
Terorist [mud]: yuo see it's frozen stuck
Thulgar [mud]: heh, finger dr and check his away message
(finger Dr -> Currently away: 'extract burner')
Faarao [mud]: :)
Terorist [mud]: oops
Terorist [mud]: 11. Dr frozen until Tue Dec  5 11:10:12 2000 : burner.
Quantic tells you 'darling, do you want to party?'                             
You tell Quantic 'necro! eww!'                                                 
Quantic tells you 'waht do you mean?'                                          
Quantic tells you 'I need your help plz... you are really sweet and cute'      
You tell Quantic 'you're a necro... how can you party'                         
You tell Quantic 'i'm a guy, i just play a chick so people get me exp'         
Quantic tells you 'thats not what I saw on the mud page'                       
You tell Quantic 'that's my girlfriend, tiffany'                               
Quantic tells you 'it was a chick on that photo'                               
Quantic tells you 'your girlfriend??'                                          
Quantic tells you 'your girlfriend??'                                          
Quantic tells you 'cool'                                                       
Quantic tells you 'can you help me anyway whatever your sex'                   
You tell Quantic 'isn't she a babe :)'                                         
Quantic tells you 'yeah :)'                                                    
Quantic tells you 'plz plz plz help me'                                        
You tell Quantic 'what use are you to me in a party?'                          
Quantic tells you 'my servant kicks really hard'
-> From Tiffany
Conglomo [oit]: laf didn't even notice that I got attacked
Conglomo [oit]: You are hit by a VACUUM BURST of LAVA.
Kadaan [oit]: by who/what?
Conglomo [oit]: jolli
Kadaan [oit]: hehe
Conglomo [oit]: his power blast sucks
Conglomo [oit]: only 874 dmg
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: damn channel power !
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: where's an ago monster near town that I dont have to
  open any doors?
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: preferibly 1m +
Kadaan [oit]: corn fields?
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: Scarecrow, Avatar of Nephandus
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: that works!
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: Jolli arrives in a puff of smoke.
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: Maelvaunt is in vigorous combat with Jolli.
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: YUCH, Jolli's entrails spill all over the place.
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: Jolli is DEAD, R.I.P.
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: Maelvaunt shouts 'Oops, I better watch what I step on
  next time, sorry Jolli.'
Conglomo the toasted [oit]: [enemy]: Jolli dies.
Mordib attacks Bear.
Mordib hits you 1 times.
You skillfully parry Mordib's hit.
You hit Mordib 5 times.
YUCH, Mordib's entrails spill all over the place.
Mordib is DEAD, R.I.P.
Your soul wails in anguish as you kill without remorse.
## (Pigeon) Mentar starts concentrating on a spell.
## (Pigeon) Mentar waves its finger in the air and chants 'frtizvg'
## (Pigeon) Mentar hits Fat pigeon with its well-placed magic missile.
## (Pigeon) YUCH, Fat pigeon's entrails spill all over the place.
## (Pigeon) Fat pigeon is DEAD, R.I.P.
## (Pigeon) Mentar starts concentrating on a spell.
## (Pigeon) Krusha looks at Pigeon.
## (Pigeon) Mentar waves its finger in the air and chants 'frtizvg'
## (Pigeon) Mentar hits Blue pigeon with its well-placed magic missile.
## (Pigeon) YUCH, Blue pigeon's entrails spill all over the place.
## (Pigeon) Blue pigeon is DEAD, R.I.P.
## (Pigeon) Mentar starts concentrating on a spell.
## (Pigeon) Mentar waves its finger in the air and chants 'frtizvg'
## (Pigeon) Mentar hits Crippled pigeon with its well-placed magic missile.
## (Pigeon) YUCH, Crippled pigeon's entrails spill all over the place.
## (Pigeon) Crippled pigeon is DEAD, R.I.P.
## (Pigeon) Mentar starts concentrating on a spell.
## (Pigeon) Mentar waves its finger in the air and chants 'frtizvg'
## (Pigeon) Mentar hits you with a magic missile.
## (Pigeon) Mentar takes Ten gold coins from corpse 1.
## (Pigeon) Mentar takes Ten gold coins from corpse 2.
## (Pigeon) Mentar takes Ten gold coins from corpse 3.
## (Pigeon) Bear spreads her arms as if to embrace someone.
## (Pigeon) You are now hunting Mentar.
Shubby laughs at you.
You whine.
Shubby howls something about night and jumps towards your neck!
hp: 1548(1549) sp: 563(563)
You hit Shubby 4 times.
Your axes are a blur as you hack and slash at Shubby.
Your axes are a blur as you hack and slash at Shubby.
Bear is in vigorous combat with Shubby.
Shubby says 'eeks'
Shubby is in bad shape.
Shubby leaves east.
Juiblex [newbie]: have you ever noticed that you're low on sps to shout? no worries!
Juiblex [newbie]: did you know that you can shout with hps too? yes, and the answer
  is not far away. just type e,s,kill tinker from, and you will have your shout!
Juiblex [newbie]: remember to type the dirs from cs!
Tinker shouts 'Take THAT Fluid! *RAH RAH*'
Fluid the toasted [newbie]: wow
Fluid the toasted [newbie]: whye am i si deed?
Setsuna [oit]: I don't do PK
Setsuna [oit]: I pickpockets :)
Setsuna [oit]: (even tho I give ppl the $ when I pickpocket them..)
Hammanu [oit]: Frogbert is jealous because his penis is bigger than ours
Hammanu [oit]: hrm
Hammanu [oit]: smaller even
Kadaan [party]: you should go to verkle first instead of hileran so it doesn't
  mess up my trig ;)
Palpatine [party]: nod, i go to verkele first too :)
Kadaan [party]: conglomo is the only one I've ever partied with who goes to
  hileran first ;)
Palpatine [party]: FREAK!
Conglomo [party]: why shouldn't I ?:p
Kadaan [party]: it messes my trig up ;)
Conglomo [party]: laf
Conglomo [party]: poor you,)
Palpatine [party]: makes me run funny.
Kadaan [party]: you go to Hu first in ravenkall like everyone else
Palpatine [party]: nuh huh, i go to joyce first in r-kall :P
Kadaan [party]: so does alterac :P
Kadaan [party]: I think
Conglomo [party]: alterac has my old tank trigs
Conglomo [party]: that i wrote for him
Conglomo [party]: but then I lost em and remade mine from marf's
Palpatine [party]: well thats good, cause i think alterac got his trigs from
  ragmar who got his from me :)
Conglomo [party]: alterac got his from me
Palpatine [party]: oh
Palpatine [party]: :P
Kadaan [party]: hmm. I got them from alterac when I was druid :P
Conglomo [party]: actually explicit's that I converted to zmud for him
Kadaan [party]: he must have given me an older set
Palpatine [party]: hmm. and mine are from powell.
Conglomo [party]: swede power :p
Palpatine [party]: its funny how they all just sorta get passed around
Conglomo [party]: we get all our run trigs from swedes
Palpatine [party]: no wonder we cant mud for shit! :)
Springie [sales]: s: a shuriken  mb 1k
You tell Springie 'you do realize that those are made by players'
Springie tells you 'they are?'
Leper shouts 'kuka haluaa?'
You see something huge falling from the sky towards Xman. It is a
plane..no a boat maybe, oh christ it's a WHALE! Run to the hills!
You hear a disgusting squishhh as Xman gets squished by it, EWW.
YUCH, Xman's entrails spill all over the place.
Xman is DEAD, R.I.P.
: Xman dies.
Air [oit]: ah they made you a frog ? :>
Tombslayer [oit]: eh?
Setsuna [oit]: hm?
Air [oit]: you
Tombslayer [oit]: who?
Air [oit]: froggurl
[oit]: Kadaan points at Setsuna.
Air [oit]: shes a frogmonk
Setsuna [oit]: yes, whatever that thingy running around was made me a frogbert
Neyasit [newbie]: why skeleton attacks me 4 times but not my servant ?
Bin [newbie]: skeleton don't like you
Neyasit [newbie]: seems like some wizard is trying to kill me
Bin [newbie]: skeleton are useless anyway
Neyasit [newbie]: i mean skeleton is monster
Pot [newbie]: that skeleton is dead
Neyasit [newbie]: are you sure?
Bin [newbie]: evil skeleton
Pot [newbie]: 14:06    49454: A wandering skeleton of Gremlin (undead)
Bin [newbie]: a turbo of a turbo gremlin apparently
Neyasit [newbie]: thanx
Neyasit [newbie]: WOW!!! -=)
Bin [newbie]: I guess it was a wicked gremlin warrior, gone turbo, who's wandering
  undead when turbo, =P
Seth [mud]: rox
Seth [mud]: laf
Seth [mud]: Name howls something about night and jumps towards your neck!
Seth [mud]: You SMACK Shubby with your shield!
Seth [mud]: Shubby is STUNNED by the force of the blow!
Seth [mud]: YUCH, Shubby's entrails spill all over the place.
Seth [mud]: Shubby is DEAD, R.I.P.
Seth [mud]: Your soul wails in anguish as you kill without remorse.
Seth [mud]: [friend]: Shubby dies.
Shubby the toasted [mud]: ress =)
Cornan tells you 'hehe...I heard L:33 is like an entire 3 megs or something'
You tell Cornan 'well it is more like 23M if you do quests'
Cornan tells you '23 megs?!?!!?!'
You tell Cornan 'yep'
Cornan tells you 'What?!!? I thought for a ranger it was like 3 megs?!?!'
Cornan tells you ':P How our the 70's?'
You tell Cornan '1.7G or more'
Cornan tells you 'Er..I thought L:120 was more like 1G?'
-> From Hammanu
Kadaan [oit]: Hammanu tells you 'Name tinker slaver tinker slaver tinker slaver
  tinker slaver tinker slaver tinker slaver tinker slaver tinker slaver tinker
  slaver tinker slaver tinker slaver tinker slaver : Thirsty taskmaster'
Neverwhere [oit]: ...
Hammanu [oit]: just as long as you don't put that in your funny text file
Neverwhere [oit]: cuz its not funny
Myria [oit]: I was just about to say that. :)
Hammanu [oit]: because you are stupid
Dranil : are you ever going to try anything else than samu? =P
Damogran {ranger}: err.. no?
Dranil : and why not
Damogran {ranger}: its too tough to rewrite all the trigs
Avalance tells you 'wanna party?'
You tell Avalance 'dinner in 25 mins'
Sniket tells you 'up for some exp+'
You tell Sniket 'gonna go eat dinner in 25 mins'
Avalance tells you 'will you be back after dinner?'
You tell Avalance (IN BATTLE) 'I should be, so in an hour and a half I can party'
Avalance tells you 'ok reloc when ready, forces'
Avalance tells you 'invisible forces I mean'
Avalance tells you 'coming soon or shall we make another monsie?'
You tell Avalance 'I can't come right now'
Avalance tells you 'ok reloc asap'
You tell Avalance 'I won't be able to for an hour and a half :P'
Avalance tells you 'in 20mins or so?'
You tell Avalance 'in 20 mins I'm leaving, and won't be back for an hour after that'
Avalance tells you 'yeah got it'
Avalance tells you 'reloc'
You tell Avalance ':P'
Avalance tells you 'coming soon?'
You tell Avalance 'hehe, you're drunk aren't you :)'
Avalance tells you 'yea'
Avalance tells you 'ok dont reloc now'
Avalance tells you 'I heard you wouldn't be going in another 25mins and when you're
  gone you need 1.5hours  or something'
Avalance tells you 'I'm terribly drunk to be percise'
Avalance tells you 'be back asap'
09:29 Pittis : lets go kill tythus we have 6days to do it!
09:29 Boy : ok
09:29 Mobius : not quite enough time
09:29 Pittis : you just need magic missile
09:29 Boy : i can tank
09:29 [mud]: Tirion bonks Mobius on the head.
09:29 Tawnos {mud}: no you can't
09:29 Boy : can too
09:29 Tawnos {mud}: as you proved repeatedly as a mortal
Godless starts concentrating on a spell.
A heavy rain pelts down around you.
A blazing arc of azure light lances down from the stormclouds,
cascading over Smuck in roiling waves!
YUCH, Smuck's entrails spill all over the place.
Smuck is DEAD, R.I.P.
Purge [party]: monster is dead
Fendar [party]: bye bye Smuck
Godless mewls 'sid'
You hmm.
Godless mewls 'sorry'
Purge asks 'hey? whats going on?'
ghost of smuck whispers something to godless.
You say 'wtf was that'
Godless mewls 'wrong button'
Kaimanu booms 'someone plz fiz my chaos link'
Kaimanu booms 'fiz'
Kaimanu booms 'fic'
Kaimanu booms 'fix'
Kaimanu booms 'damn'
 : off
 : oops
 : friends
 : fuck
 : how the fuck did u just turn on friends inform?
Dubbeltje [cow]: DOH
[cow]: Kadaan goes 'Doooooooh!'.
Tirion [cow]: HOD !
Dubbeltje [cow]: A 15 headed hideous monster
Dubbeltje [cow]: > You start chanting.
Dubbeltje [cow]: > You skillfully parry Monster's hit.
Dubbeltje [cow]: Monster starts concentrating on a spell.
Dubbeltje [cow]: he casts spells now :)
Tirion [cow]: hehehe
Melkpak [cow]: wtf are you doing playing with that mob :P
Dubbeltje [cow]: must be that change from Dranil.. fucked up tho
Kadaan [cow]: good solo exp!
Monster shouts 'Dubbeltje should stick to PIGEONS!'
Tirion [cow]: ops
Katiria [cow]: you would fire your ass for this
Dubbeltje the toasted [cow]: FYUCKING HELL
Kadaan [cow]: muah
Melkpak [cow]: hahaha
Dubbeltje the toasted [cow]: he does hellfire too
Tirion [cow]: heheheheh
Celeborn [party]: rythion not blasting?
Celeborn [party]: hrm
Kadaan [party]: turned his bot off? :)
Rythion [party]: maybe if you didnt' take damage
Rythion [party]: you'd see me blast
Rythion [party]: I'm casting pc at teacher right now
Rythion [party]: but nothing is happening :(
Celeborn [party]: why are u the only one who sizzles? :P
Rythion [party]: cause I have 850 spr?
Rythion [party]: and epxlicit only 600 something
Biron [party]: yeah right
Celeborn [party]: no?
Celeborn [party]: plz don't wank in xp rythion
Biron [party]: rythion usually when speaking about spr we dont mean how much we
  regen in whole boot
Darnoli tells you 'exp?'
You tell Darnoli 'can't atm :('
You tell Darnoli '2 attractive women drinking alcohol in my room. exp or ......
  what would you do? :)'
Darnoli tells you 'heh, not too hard a choise really'
You tell Darnoli 'nod, unchesting'
Deej [mud]: any1 here from batmud?
Gozar [mud]: nods, type ld badmud and you see them
[inform]: Deej goes link dead.
Myria [mud]: Laf
[inform]: Deej recovers from link death.

finger deej
Deej the Thrikhren 
Level: 10  Age:  1h 17m 34s
Currently away: 'batmud'
Deej has been on for  1m 34s.  Idle:  4s.
Best kill: A grey pigeon - 673 xp (solo)
           A black wailing figure (undead) - 38514 xp (party)
No plan.
Shashe tells you, Amroth, Zaxon, Hammanu, Vladd, Musashi, Knightrider, Cyberdeamon
  and Cavia 'hio :)'
Alterac tells you, Air, Hammanu, Ultros, Vladd, Knightrider, Glacier, Dry,
  Cyberdeamon, Ebert, Ultimo and Myria 'hey'
Cyberdeamon tells you, Air, Hammanu, Ultros, Vladd, Knightrider, Glacier, Alterac,
  Ebert, Dry, Myria and Ultimo 'heyas'
Myria [oit]: reply Hola.
Myria tells you, Air, Hammanu, Ultros, Vladd, Knightrider, Glacier, Cyberdeamon,
  Dry, Ebert, Alterac and Ultimo 'Hola. :)'
Cyberdeamon [oit]: hehe
Dry tells you, Air, Hammanu, Ultros, Vladd, Knightrider, Glacier, Alterac, Ebert,
  Cyberdeamon, Myria and Ultimo 'eep'
Myria [oit]: Oops. ;)
Alterac [oit]: HI !!
Alterac [oit]: PUT IT IN THE BUTT!!
Cyberdeamon [oit]: b  u  double  T
Alterac [oit]: raider u double T YO!
Alterac [oit]: now thats funny
Cyberdeamon [oit]: woops
Alterac [oit]: B = raider
Kreno [party]: kadaan!
Kreno [party]: your page didn't work when i reinced so i couldn't do quests :(
[21:26] Hammanu: want to read something that just occured when I logged on zombie?
[21:26] Kadaan: sure
[21:26] Hammanu: Yoshimo tells you 'where you comw from ?' 
          You tell Yoshimo 'huh?' 
          Yoshimo tells you 'ootko suomesta ?'
          Yoshimo tells you 'where you comw from ?' 
          You tell Yoshimo 'well first my dad and mom had sex, then I was born' 
          Yoshimo tells you 'i know that' 
          Yoshimo tells you 'do healer have masterys?' 
          You tell Yoshimo 'not that I know of' 
          Yoshimo tells you 'ok'
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com