Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator


use fake death
You start concentrating on the skill.
say remove poison?
You ask 'remove poison?'
You are prepared to do the skill.
You use your powers over death illusions, completely fooling Ntc, Zodi, Mosfet, Furry, and Maxic.
Furry asks 'ress?'
You nod solemnly.
Furry starts concentrating on a spell.
Furry chirps 'oh shit'
Furry chirps 'casting speed > very slow'
Furry starts concentrating on a spell.
Furry hums.
Furry chirps 'dont idle'
whisper furry sorry
You whisper to furry 'sorry'
Furry chirps 'oki'
Furry starts concentrating on a spell.
Furry hmms.
Zodi mutters 'ew after ress'
Furry starts concentrating on a spell.
Furry chirps 'idleEEE'
You whisper to zodi 'I'm not dead :)'
Zodi mutters 'you are dead'
tell zodi no I'm not
You tell Zodi 'no I'm not'
Zodi mutters 'ooh'
Zodi giggles merrily.
Furry chirps 'what a fuck'
You lose control of your death illusion.
It's night and too dark to see.
Central square (n,e,s,w).
A beat up machine, Katiria's Large Iron Cauldron (14% full) and Black Stone
A grey pigeon
A purple pigeon
An albino pigeon
It's night and too dark to see.
Cyndre's tobacco store (s).
Zodi Lethean the Hobbit Shadow Oni
Furry Wu the Cherub 
Cyndre the shopkeeper
Zodi slams a thundering high-five with you!
say whine, prayed with poison on!! Remove poison please!!
You exclaim 'whine, prayed with poison on!! Remove poison please!!'
use fake death
You start concentrating on the skill.
Furry chirps 'wait'
Furry leaves south.
Furry tells you 'brb, getting spell'
You are prepared to do the skill.
You use your powers over death illusions, completely fooling Zodi.
Furry arrives from the south.
Furry starts concentrating on a spell.
Furry chirps 'doh'
Zodi tells you 'sweeet =)'
cast create clone at kadaan tvs
You start chanting.
You are done with the chant.
You utter the magic words 'Il'a goaer mahdos'
You channel your death magic and form a vague image of yourself into the air.
The image becomes more and more like you with every second you spend shaping
it. After a short while it looks exactly like you!
You gain some extra power thru your talisman.
hp: 4456(4453) sp: 5065(5179)
This is the Cyndre's tobacco store known widely for it's high quality
tobacco products. The soft aroma of tobacco fills your nostrils and you see
shelves filled with different kinds of tobaccos. Type 'list' to see what's in
the store or 'buy ' to buy one.
There is one obvious exit: south.
Ghost of kadaan
Furry Wu the Cherub 
Cyndre the shopkeeper
Furry chirps 'jahas'
Furry points at Kadaan, you and Cyndre.

© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com