[Guild Info | Level Info]
-Ancient Samurai- Samurai's have a very unique combination of offensive skills and spells. The samurai has a wide range of physical and mental attributes including strength, dexterity and intelligence. Samurai's have the ability to focus their mind and surround their lethal weapons with magical auras. Renowned for their fearlessness in combat, as well as their discipline, the master samurai is capable of gutting their opponents faultlessly. To be a samurai you should select a character with high strength dexterity and average intelligence.
,--------------------------------------------------------------. | Skill: | | % |Max|Exp: | $: | |----------------------------------------+--+---+---+-----+----| | hear noises |15| 0|100| 100| 0| | consider |20| 0|100| 100| 0| | kick |20| 0|100| 375| 0| | tinning |25| 0|100| 100| 0| | attack |30| 0|100| 975| 0| | zapping |30| 0|100| 100| 0| | weapon skill 1h ancient |35| 0|100| 225| 0| | weapon skill 1h sword |35| 0|100| 225| 0| | weapon skill 2h ancient |35| 0|100| 225| 0| | weapon skill 2h sword |35| 0|100| 225| 0| | stun |40| 0|100| 1500| 1| | blade mastery |45| 0| 50| 30k| 20| | critical |45| 0|100| 4500| 3| | dodge |45| 0|100| 30k| 20| | doublehit |45| 0|100| 375| 0| | headcut |45| 0| 70| 31k| 21| | inner strength |45| 0|100| 407k| 271| | kamikaze |45| 0|100| 30k| 20| | kiru |45| 0|100| 6000| 4| | leadership |45| 0|100| 375| 0| | leftwield |45| 0|100| 600| 0| | make acid shuriken |45| 0| 45| 6750| 4| | make poison shuriken |45| 0| 45| 6750| 4| | make shuriken |45| 0|100| 1950| 1| | tameshivar |45| 0| 75| 26k| 17| | throw |45| 0|100| 11k| 7| | tracking |45| 0| 60| 9000| 6| | whirlwind attack |45| 0|100| 1050| 0| | zhinakoku |45| 0| 50| 26k| 17| |--------------------------------------------------------------' | Total: 29 | `-------------' ,--------------------------------------------------------------. | Spell: | | % |Max|Exp: | $: | |----------------------------------------+--+---+---+-----+----| | darkness |20| 0|100| 100| 0| | light |20| 0|100| 100| 0| | call for sword |30| 0|100| 450| 0| | lightsword |31| 0|100| 1875| 1| | ghorux blade |40| 0|100| 2250| 1| | infravision |40| 0|100| 450| 0| | invisibility |40| 0| 40| 150| 0| | shizen |40| 0|100| 975| 0| | silver sheen |40| 0|100| 1875| 1| | vaporic blade |43| 0|100| 2625| 1| | acid blade |45| 0| 40| 750| 0| | clairvoyance |45| 0|100| 100| 0| | fire blade |45| 0| 50| 750| 0| | ice blade |45| 0| 50| 750| 0| | neutralize blade |45| 0| 70| 375| 0| | poison |45| 0|100| 1500| 1| | poison blade |45| 0| 40| 750| 0| | razor edge |45| 0|100| 1875| 1| | relocate |45| 0| 40| 525| 0| | remove poison |45| 0| 95| 675| 0| | vaporic armour |45| 0|100| 1125| 0| |--------------------------------------------------------------' | Total: 21 | `-------------'