Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



Rank   Pts Lead Shield
Evil Scum -1    Black Iron Shield
1      500      Wooden Buckler
2     1303      Iron Buckler
3     2591      Small Wooden Shield
4     4660      Small Iron Shield
5     7980      Small Steel Shield
6    13310      Large Iron Shield
7    21867      Large Steel Shield
8    35604      Steel Kite Shield
9    57655      Meteoric Iron Kite Shield
10   93054      Steel Tower Shield
11  149879      Meteoric Iron Tower Shield
12  241102      Meteoric Iron Wall Shield
13  387542      Mithril Wall Shield
14  622623      Mithril Gothic Shield
15 1000000      Adamantite Gothic Shield
16 1413342      Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a Red Cross
17 1866076      Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a Yellow Cross
18 2361957      Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a Blue Cross
19 2905097 5163 Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a Black Cross
20 3500000 6000 Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a White Cross
21 4151598      Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a Red *
22 4865296      Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a Yellow *
23 5647011      Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a Blue *
24 6503225      Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a Black *
25 7441038      Adamantite Gothic Shield adorned with a White *

* = Sword for Templar, Hand for Inquisitor, Rose for Hospitaler

Bonuses: I don't know what bonuses are anymore after tunes.
Here's what I know right now:
Rank 16: ? (templar: 1% horsemanship)(hospitaler: 1% piety)
Rank 17: 3con 2int 10spr (templar: 1% hew/horsemanship)(hospitaler: 1% parry/piety)
Rank 18: 4con 2int 10spr (templar: 1% hew, 2% horsemanship)(hospitaler: 1% parry, 2% piety)
Rank 19: Templar(4con/dex 10spr, 2% horsemanship/hew)

(I doubt these are still in effect... but Hair did say it)
Hair <paladin>: 21 Use 2h weapons in one hand
Hair <paladin>: 22 +10 sp/hp regen
Hair <paladin>: 23 +10% escape death
Hair <paladin>: 24 +5% to all resistances
Hair <paladin>: 25 +5% to all skills/spells
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com