Servants are a lot of fun. Basically they are another player that follows you around and does whatever you tell it to. It leeches exp like a player in your party too, so most players don't use them for serious exp. They gain exp and level like normal players do. When they gain enough exp for their next level, you get the message 'Your servant advanced a level.' To make a servant, you need to cast raise dead at a corpse. The syntax is 'cast raise dead at corpse make <guild>' The current guilds that you are allowed to make are: fighter, monk, mage, psionicist and samurai. Monks seem to be the favorite because they stun, and at lower levels you can use them as your tank instead of an undead. To change your guild, you need to cast 'free servant' then raise dead again at another guild. When you reinc the servant, it will retain its old worth, but start back at level 1. It will gain 10x exp till it reaches its old worth. So if you kill a 32k monster and the servant leeches 15k of it, it will actually gain 150k. The same concept applies when your servant dies. It looses a fair chunk of its exp, but gains it back at 10x the speed. Skills and spells are auto-trained/studied when your servant levels. They get most of the spells that a player at that level would get, to the max for that level. To have your servant use a spell or skill in combat, use the command 'scom combatskill <skill>' or 'scom combatspell <spell>' For more simple help, type 'scom' after you have a servant. Necro Status from low to high: bone collector grave digger corpse dancer bodysnatcher soul commander headhunter mindripper necratog zombie master skeleton lord necrosavant nightmare keeper of the dead instiguator necrite death dancer flesh lord death mage spirit lord Bloodmage ????? Monk Servant Ranks: Level Color 00 - 15 White 16 - 21 Yellow 22 - 29 Green 30 - 41 Blue 42 - ?? Red ?? - ?? Purple ?? - ?? Black