Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



Flesh golems are the newbie undead. All the other reanimates you get in
the base guild are worthless. You can have up to 2 undeads at a time,
if you can have a frank then make 1 frank and 1 golem, otherwise just
use 2 golems.

Steps to your very own Flesh Golem
1. Corpsing:
   To make the golem, you need to have a corpse to reanimate. Corpses
   decay after a short period of time, so you are forced to preserve
   them. After you kill a monster, cast 'preservation' at the corpse to
   keep it from decaying. An alternative to this is to rent an advanced
   carriage from Lim-Dul (CS> 3 n;3 w;2 n;w;n). The syntax to rent a
   carriage is 'rent [advanced|basic] <N> for <X>' where 100 * N is how
   many kg it can carry (advanced 1 can carry 100 kg) and X is how many
   minutes you want the carriage for. Advanced and basic are just the
   type of carriage; an advanced one will freeze the corpses, a basic
   one will not. For example: 'rent advanced 1 for 30' will rent a
   carriage that freezes corpses for you for a half hour, and will hold
   100kg of corpses. When the carriage is filled up, you can 'unload
   carriage', have your servant pick it all up, and fill it up again.
   200kg is enough to make a flesh golem.

2. Merging Corpses:
   Now you should have close to 200kg of corpses, but to make a golem,
   you need them all to be ONE corpse. To do this, you need the spell
   'soul merge'. The percent of the spell is very important. If you
   have it at a low percent, your 200kg corpses will end up being a
   smaller corpse, like 150kg. But with 100% soul merge, your 200kg
   corpse will end up being bigger than 200kg. To start merging, the
   syntax is 'cast soul merge at corpse 1 and corpse 2'. When the spell
   is done, the first 2 corpses in the room will now be one corpse.
   Keep casting and casting until all the corpses in the room are
   merged into one corpse. An alternative to this is soul fusion, which
   will merge ALL the corpses in a room into one corpse. But like soul
   merge, this spell works better with a high %. At a low percent, your
   200kg of corpses could become one 50kg corpse.

3. Reanimation:
   The hard part is all done, now to bring your golem to life! The
   first thing you want to do is enchant the corpse. An enchanted
   corpse will be stronger than a non-enchanted corpse, so make sure
   you have 'enchant corpse' studied and cast it at the corpse. When
   the corpse is enchanted, the only thing left is to reanimate it.
   Cast 'reanimate flesh golem at corpse' and wait. You might want to
   try very slow just to give you the extra edge, as the spell is
   rather expensive to cast. Upon a successful cast, your new golem
   will be brought to life.

4. Now what?
   Name your golem. 'cast mark undead at 1 <name>'. Make it follow you.
   'cast chain at <golem name>'. Make sure it's tanking. 'cast deadly
   attention at <golem name>'. If you can, give it a nice 2h weapon
   with specials so it does more damage 'cast control at <golem name>
   wield <weapon>'. Get your weapon back from the golem 'cast control
   at <golem name> drop all'.

Note: Golems are actually better tanks than franks IF you put unholy
power and courage on it, and golems hit harder than franks IF they're
boosted with unholy strength
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com