Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



  Franks! Woohoo! They used to kick butt, but after many a tune
they're no longer as good as they were. They still have more hps than
golems, so are better to use for tanking. You can only have ONE frank
at a time.

Steps to Making a Frank:
1. Corpses:
   You need a LOT of corpses. The higher your skills are, the less
   you'll need. ~400kg@20%skills ~100kg@100%skills for the torso, 5
   ~100kg@20%skills ~45kg@100%skills corpses for the head/legs/hands, 5
   50kg corpses for glueing the parts to the torso. You can do the
   corpses yourself, or pay someone to do them for you. Rangers and
   thieves can do corpses fast. The normal price is 10-20k per 100kg
   but if you find someone very nice they might just charge you how
   much it costs to rent a carriage. It's easier if you get the corpses
   for one part at a time, because if you get all the corpses you need
   for all parts and soul fusion them together you will need to use
   'split corpse' to split it into different pieces.

2. Making the parts:
   Be sure you enchant corpses before you use them! The first thing you
   do is 'use prepare corpse at corpse'. This will allow you to turn
   the corpse into a body part. The next step is 'use specify part at
   <torso|head|lhand|rhand|lleg|rleg>. Make all six body parts and move
   on to the next step. Note that if you fail the skill, you could lose
   the corpse.

3. Putting them all together:
   For this step you need the 5 100kg corpses for glue. Syntax for this
   step is 'use unholy surgery at add <head|lhand|rhand|lleg|rleg>.
   When you use unholy surgery, it will automatically use the first
   corpse in the room.

4. Reanimation:
   Cast reanimate frankenstein at body (probaby at try very slow) and
   sit back and wait. If you succeed in casting the spell the frank
   will now be alive.

5. Your New Frank
   To make him follow you: 'frank follow'. You don't have to worry
   about chaining this bad boy, but be careful about him getting
   stunned. Use 'unholy courage' to give him stun resist. If he dies...
   well 1-that's bad. 2-all the parts go back to your pod and you need
   to get 5 100kg corpses to glue him back together again.

6. Frank messages:
   Your frank has masteries, sort of. When you look at your frank you
   get three messages, the first is his hp, the second I'm not too sure
   about..., and the third is his strength. These messages get raised
   when you use your frank in battle as the tank.

   This frank is a small miracle hpwise.
   This frank is a mediun miracle hpwise.
   This frank is a big miracle hpwise.
   This frank could withstand major amounts of damage.
   This frank is a creature from hell hpwise.
   This frank is a walking WALL of HP.

   this frank is extremely weak
   this frank possesses mediocre strength
   This frank possesses decent strength.
   This frank posesses good strength
   this frank possesses great strength
   this frank is really powerfull
   this frank is amazingly powerful
   this frank could lift almost anything
   this frank could lift anything
   this frank could lift an archwizard
   this frank is strong like gods
   this frank could lift you like a fly

Known Bugs/Features:
Masema tells you 'if your frank looses a leg,arm'
Masema tells you 'and you loose it, ie don't have time to glue b4 boot or something'
Masema tells you 'the frank is wasted, can never get max str'
Masema tells you 'solution: redo whole frank'
Masema tells you 'I talked about squizzy about this but he never cared :P'
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com