Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



[Guild Info | Level Info]

Directionscs> 3 n;3 e;n;w;buy transport to shao lin;2 ne;e;entrance;4 n
back> 4 s;out;se;20 e;17 ne;20 n;5 n;10 e;20 se;8 se;5 s;enter;buy transport to zombiecity;3 n;2 w;s

 Monks of this realm are mostly members of the Order of Shoa
Lin. Monks of Shao Lin devote their life to vigorous physical
and mental training. Due to their devoted training the monks
are superb martial artists. Monks are very agile, doding melee
attacks and even avoiding attack spells. They are known for
their devastating melee abilities, using no other weapons but
their own body. Infact monks are sworn not to use any weapons
or shields. This rule is very strictly followed. More advanced
monks are rumored to master some elemental powers.

NOTE! Monks have weapon and armour restrictions that also apply
      to those having monks as secondary or tertiary guild.
hps sps str dex con int wis cha hpr spr resists
Masters_of_the_body (5)50010960001205phys
Masters_of_the_mind (5)251013920202055phys
Master_of_martial_arts (10)50102212100401595phys 2cold 2elec 2fire
Monk Skill/Spell Tables
| Skill:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| fast blow                              |16|  0|100|  750|   0|
| consider                               |20|  0|100|  100|   0|
| tinning                                |20|  0|100|  100|   0|
| power kick                             |26|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| attack                                 |27|  0|100|  975|   0|
| ambidextrous attack                    |34|  0|100| 3750|   2|
| leadership                             |35|  0|100|  375|   0|
| critical                               |39|  0|100| 4500|   3|
| doublehit                              |40|  0|100|  375|   0|
| ki                                     |42|  0|100| 7500|   5|
| stun                                   |42|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| appraise                               |44|  0|100|  100|   0|
| conjure light                          |44|  0|100| 2625|   1|
| hear noises                            |44|  0|100|  100|   0|
| parry                                  |44|  0| 20|  10k|   7|
| zapping                                |44|  0|100|  100|   0|
| adrenaline rush                        |45|  0| 50| 3750|   2|
| advanced martial arts                  |45|  0| 50| 187k| 125|
| call for fire                          |45|  0| 55|  22k|  15|
| call for ice                           |45|  0| 50|  22k|  15|
| call for thunder                       |45|  0| 40|  22k|  15|
| clot wounds                            |45|  0| 80| 7500|   5|
| dodge                                  |45|  0|100|  30k|  20|
| focus ki                               |45|  0| 50|  18k|  12|
| focus kungfu attacks                   |45|  0| 40|  75k|  50|
| healing trance                         |45|  0| 80|  11k|   7|
| inner strength                         |45|  0| 70| 407k| 271|
| kungfu                                 |45|  0|100|  22k|  15|
| martial arts                           |45|  0|100| 7500|   5|
| master tumbler                         |45|  0| 50| 187k| 125|
| mastery of healing trance              |45|  0| 40|  18k|  12|
| mastery of kungfu                      |45|  0| 50| 150k| 100|
| remove elements                        |45|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| torch creation                         |45|  0|100|  100|   0|
| tumble                                 |45|  0|100|  56k|  37|
| whirlwind attack                       |45|  0|100| 1050|   0|
| Total:  36  |

No spells available.
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com