Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



[Guild Info | Level Info]

Directionscs> 4 s;e;n;pull lever
back> travel through gate;s;w;4 n

        Mages draw upon arcane powers to do damage to their 
opponents in combat. It is absolutely essential for a mage to 
have high intelligence to cast spells with. With high 
intelligence usually comes with low strenght and constitution.
For protection a mage usually sits at the back of a adventuring 
party casting one spell after another. Mage's offensive spells are 
astonishingly powerful, including the manipulation of the elements 
like fire and ice, and the manipulation of magic like magic missile
and killing cloud. Mages also have some defensive spells that 
can aid the party that they are in.
hps sps str dex con int wis cha hpr spr resists
Advanced_elementalists (5)54500017800135fire
Elemental_champions (5)54500017800135asph
Master_magicians (10)208000040100022
Spell_weavers (10)
Mage Skill/Spell Tables
| Skill:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| consider                               | 9|  0|100|     |    |
| appraise                               |13|  0|100|     |    |
| tinning                                |13|  0|100|     |    |
| essence eye                            |16|  0|100|     |    |
| skill that saves sp                    |21|  0|100|     |    |
| attack                                 |23|  0| 85|     |    |
| weapon skill 1h dagger                 |25|  0| 85|     |    |
| weapon skill 1h staff                  |25|  0| 85|     |    |
| weapon skill 2h dagger                 |25|  0| 85|     |    |
| weapon skill 2h staff                  |25|  0| 85|     |    |
| damage analysis                        |40|  0| 40|     |    |
| offensive efficiency                   |42|  0| 40|     |    |
| stunning blow                          |43|  0| 40|     |    |
| interrupting force                     |44|  0| 40|     |    |
| channel power                          |45|  0| 45|     |    |
| fire enchanting                        |45|  0|100|     |    |
| leadership                             |45|  0|100|     |    |
| magical enchanting                     |45|  0|100|     |    |
| quick chant                            |45|  0|100|     |    |
| wandmaking                             |45|  0|100|     |    |
| zapping                                |45|  0|100|     |    |
| Total:  21  |

| Spell:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| bright light                           | 4| 30|100|     |    |
| darkness                               | 7|  0|100|     |    |
| light                                  | 7|  0|100|     |    |
| create food                            | 8|  0|100|     |    |
| magic missile                          | 8|  0|100|     |    |
| floating letters                       | 9|  0|100|     |    |
| detect alignment                       |10|  0|100|     |    |
| shocking grasp                         |11|  0|100|     |    |
| identify                               |12|  0|100|     |    |
| water walking                          |12|  0|100|     |    |
| flame arrow                            |14|  0|100|     |    |
| acid arrow                             |15|  0|100|     |    |
| infravision                            |15|  0|100|     |    |
| displacement                           |16|  0|100|     |    |
| lightning bolt                         |16|  0|100|     |    |
| teleport with error                    |17|  0|100|     |    |
| blurred image                          |20|  0|100|     |    |
| clairvoyance                           |20|  0|100|     |    |
| create money                           |20|  0|100|     |    |
| firebolt                               |20|  0|100|     |    |
| floating disc                          |20|  0|100|     |    |
| familiar                               |21|  0|100|     |    |
| feather weight                         |21|  0|100|     |    |
| summon familiar                        |21|  0|100|     |    |
| word of recall                         |21|  0|100|     |    |
| see invisible                          |22|  0|100|     |    |
| icebolt                                |24|  0|100|     |    |
| meteor blast                           |24|  0|100|     |    |
| lesser magical invulnerability         |25|  0|100|     |    |
| see magic                              |25|  0|100|     |    |
| cure light wounds                      |26|  0|100|     |    |
| fireball                               |26|  0|100|     |    |
| mirror image                           |26|  0|100|     |    |
| shelter                                |27|  0|100|     |    |
| cold ray                               |30|  0|100|     |    |
| meteor storm                           |30|  0|100|     |    |
| relocate                               |31|  0| 75|     |    |
| dimension door                         |32|  0| 50|     |    |
| dispel curse                           |35|  0|100|     |    |
| golden arrow                           |35|  0|100|     |    |
| heavy weight                           |39|  0| 60|     |    |
| remove preference                      |40|  0| 80|     |    |
| teleport without error                 |40|  0|100|     |    |
| water breathing                        |40|  0|100|     |    |
| summon                                 |43|  0| 20|     |    |
| acid preference                        |45|  0| 40|     |    |
| asphyxiation preference                |45|  0| 40|     |    |
| cold preference                        |45|  0| 40|     |    |
| enchant arrow                          |45|  0|100|     |    |
| fire preference                        |45|  0| 40|     |    |
| greater magical invulnerability        |45|  0|100|     |    |
| hellfire                               |45|  0|100|     |    |
| invisibility                           |45|  0|100|     |    |
| killing cloud                          |45|  0|100|     |    |
| magical preference                     |45|  0| 40|     |    |
| poison preference                      |45|  0| 40|     |    |
| power blast                            |45|  0|100|     |    |
| Total:  57  |
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com