Kadaan's ZombieMUD Stuff v.3


Newbie Guide
Character Creator



[Guild Info | Level Info]

Directionscs> 3 n;3 e;n;w;buy transport to ravenkall;6 w;3 s;e;n
back> s;w;3 n;8 e;2 n;2 e;s;buy transport to zombiecity

        Bards are well known for being a jack of all trades.
They tend to be part healer, part mage, and part thief.
Where as other magic users practice the art of weaving spells,
bards affect their targets by weaving songs and tales.  In
addition bards tend to augment the abilities of those around
them through some of their more motivational compositions.
Despite their great ability to do good works, more then a few
bards have made their living dishonestly.
IMPORTANT: This is NOT a newbie guild, the skills and spells
to make even a somewhat effective bard are very expensive.
hps sps str dex con int wis cha hpr spr resists
Actors (5)104000000250153fire
Gallants (5)104001505050153fire
Minstrels (5)104000080150154fire
Troubadours (5)1040000150100153fire
Bard Skill/Spell Tables
| Skill:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| weapon skill 1h dagger                 | 6|  0|100|  225|   0|
| weapon skill 2h dagger                 | 6|  0|100|  225|   0|
| consider                               |15|  0|100|  100|   0|
| attack                                 |20|  0|100|  975|   0|
| epitaph                                |20|  0|100|  100|   0|
| flip kick                              |20|  0|100| 1950|   1|
| skill that saves sp                    |20|  0|100|  100|   0|
| tinning                                |20|  0|100|  100|   0|
| acrobatics                             |25|  0|100| 1425|   0|
| tumbling                               |25|  0|100|  24k|  16|
| essence eye                            |30|  0|100|  100|   0|
| pitch control                          |30|  0|100|  225|   0|
| vocal training                         |30|  0|100|  22k|  15|
| allegro con foco                       |45|  0| 20|  34k|  23|
| instrumentation                        |45|  0|100| 225k| 150|
| leadership                             |45|  0| 95|  375|   0|
| leftwield                              |45|  0| 50|  600|   0|
| negotiate                              |45|  0|100| 4500|   3|
| quick chant                            |45|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| recitation                             |45|  0|100|  750|   0|
| tonal control                          |45|  0| 10| 6000|   4|
| tonal projection                       |45|  0|100|  32k|  21|
| Total:  22  |

| Spell:                                 |  | % |Max|Exp: | $: |
| floating disc                          |17|  0|100|  100|   0|
| water walking                          |19|  0|100|  100|   0|
| apollo's adagio                        |20|  0|100|  525|   0|
| aria of the eagles                     |20|  0|100|  525|   0|
| bario's bawdy ballad                   |20|  0|100|  525|   0|
| berserker's bravura                    |20|  0|100|  525|   0|
| cantana of shadow                      |20|  0|100|  225|   0|
| symphony of solomon                    |20|  0|100|  525|   0|
| torchbearer's march                    |20|  0|100|  225|   0|
| vigorous concerto                      |20|  0|100|  525|   0|
| fire breathing act                     |25|  0|100|  825|   0|
| claris' melody of mana                 |30|  0|100| 3750|   2|
| dispel curse                           |30|  0|100|  225|   0|
| lullaby of life                        |30|  0|100| 3750|   2|
| surgeon's chant                        |30|  0|100|  750|   0|
| teleport without error                 |32|  0| 65|  600|   0|
| cabalist's saga                        |33|  0|100|  525|   0|
| relocate                               |35|  0| 80|  525|   0|
| shelter                                |35|  0|100|  375|   0|
| feather weight                         |36|  0|100|  525|   0|
| sonata of sorcery                      |40|  0|100| 2250|   1|
| venril's verses of vitality            |40|  0|100| 2250|   1|
| tale of perception                     |43|  0|100|  525|   0|
| uplifting melody                       |43|  0|100|  525|   0|
| chant of fortitude                     |45|  0| 50| 3000|   2|
| chorus of serenity                     |45|  0|100|  675|   0|
| impart knowledge                       |45|  0| 25|  33k|  22|
| impart lore                            |45|  0| 25|  33k|  22|
| remove scar                            |45|  0| 50|  100|   0|
| sanctuary                              |45|  0| 50|  11k|   7|
| score of the steadfast                 |45|  0|100|  900|   0|
| song of mending                        |45|  0|100| 1500|   1|
| summon                                 |45|  0| 40|  600|   0|
| water breathing                        |45|  0|100| 7500|   5|
| Total:  34  |
© 1999-2004 David Ashman "Kadaan"
Contact: kadaan@hotmail.com